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Soda stream Co2


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For pressurised CO2 I have a soda stream bottle (100l one), a Tools Online regulator, a solenoid and needle valve. However, I am finding that a full bottle lasts less than a week, ten hours per day, one bubble per second.

I use airline from LFS - it is blueish in colour - and obviously it is not CO2 proof. Would this be leaking the CO2 at this rate? or is it likely that I have a leak elsewhere? Should I use thread tape on all the joins?

Any help would be appreciated.

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At a guess, id say there is a leak somewhere else, i used standed airline when i had a sodastream sized bottle, and i was getting about a month out of it.

What type of bubble counter are you using??? i found it hard to seal home made ones.


P.S Yes to the thread tape, even if you dont need it, it doesn't hurt

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Sorry to hijack the thread a little bit, but Hands - i'd have to disagree on the thread tape idea. I'm not a gas plumber but i deal with industrial gases at work and it's generally frowned on to use thread tape with gas plumbing in case small bits get into the line.

Depends i suppose on the end use (hi-tech instruments differ from CO2 supply to aquariums) so it's up to the individual user. Recommendation is to make sure the seal is tight and leakproof using soapy bubble-laden water.



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If you are worried about thread tape getting into the lines just use thread paste as an alternate, you should be able to source it from the same place that you buy thread tape. But you should use some sort of sealant at least and then leak test the line

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No probs Angus, i dident know better, that is just what i was told...

i haven't used a sodastream bottle, but a JBL bottle that is the same size as one of those standard (old) bottles (300 grms from memory) Ive upgraded to a 3kg bottle now 8)

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