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Too much filtration


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hi there i hope everyone had a merry xmas.

anyway what i was wanting to no was is there such a thing as filtering your water too much.

i am not happy with my current in hood filter and was wanting to get more filtration going.

does anyone have any suggestions on another filter i could use as a secondary aswell as my filterhood.


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Hi wagonman

I have a sunsun tank 1000mm which is around 200L. I use the standard hood filter which is rated at 900L/HR. I have added a Aqua One Canister CF1000. These two used together I have 1900L/HR filtration so the water is circulated almost 10 times per hour. With this rate the water is so clear it looks like the fish are floating in mid air, just have to be careful with the currents it creates.


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Hi all

Have you ever been on safari and, or looked in a "Natural Waterway / River." 8)

I have and I was astounded that the rivers I saw didn't look anything like any of my tanks. :cry:


Get real, let your tank look a bit natural; "GRUBBY" is GOOD, filtered is for HOSPITAL OPERATING THEATRES"


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and in the wild you have often have hundreds of thousands of litres of water passing down the rivers they live in per second- in a closed enviroment it builds up quickly.

my tanks arent so clean theyre sterile but the water is maintained and large waste filtered out or removed manually

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And some of that water is the colour of a "flat white coffee" and some the colour of "tea without milk".

What I am saying is don't go overboard to have a crystal clear tank that has no microscopic life in it, cause it's all been filtered out.

The fish wont thank you for it either. And 40 year ago there wasn't any of this new found parafinalia that is available today, which only fattens the pockets of the manufacturers and the shops.

Just be a bit realistic with feeding and the amount of light the tank gets. The type of filter that is installed in those tanks are Extremely efficient without adding more.

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I have found it is important to get a happy medium between crystal clear water & bacterial health I have a 1900L/Hr filtration in a 200L tank. this provides very clear water but i do not scrub the back wall or submerged fittings, ie: the hood filter power head, canister spraybar etc. they do have small amounts of algae growing on them which keep my BN catfish employed. I also have 2 large clown loaches & 2 skunk loaches that do an excellent job of keeping the bottom free of excess food therefore maintaining a stable water condition. this may be wrong in other peoples opinion but my fish are all healthy with excellent growth & are very active.


PS: a bit of algae on the back wall also stops alot of reflection, I have a dark blue background which can create a mirror effect.

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