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my new fry.


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crazyest ever- I was just doing some work on my small planted tank today and I see what I first thought was a baby tadpole swimming around. I thought that was a little odd as my tadpole tank was next to my planted and I couldn't see how it could have jumped. my mini planted tank doesn't and never has had fish in it. Upon closer inspection I saw it was a little baby fish of some description! Its really strange because the last plants I bought which it could have been in was some java fern about 3 months ago! so yeah I have a new baby!

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no i don't belong to nzka yet- i'm not even a member of auckland fishkeepers yet because I am always busy when they have their meetings- I'll be there at the Jan meeting though-PROMISE- Na haha I really want some Aphyosemion loennbergii but apparently they are really difficult to keep in aquariums... any lyretails would be cool though. I am completely out of money though now, as I have decided to set up marine tank. by completley I mean I have $5 IN SPENDING ACCOUNT AND NON IN SAVINGS!!!!!!!

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I am completely out of money though now, as I have decided to set up marine tank. By* completely* I mean I have $5 IN MY* SPENDING ACCOUNT AND NON IN SAVINGS!!!!!!!

tst tst... marine tank bad idea ;)

Well, $5 isn't completely out, you can still buy some peat for your killies with that.

Yeah I agree with Alan it could've been a killi egg and it hasn't long hatched.

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What's the name of the first killie?

I'm afraid you'll have to set your sights a lot lower in your choice of killi.

We would be lucky to have 15 species in NZ, and I don't think either of them are here.

But let me know if you know different.

I'm always looking for new ones.

It is surprising how they turn up every now and again.

Alan 104

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To get them you'll prolly have to find a NZKA member, if you are a member of the club they normally look after you a bit better. :wink:

If they came from the wholesaler to a LFS they would cost in the vicinity of $70 for the pair.

Lovely fish tho, and worth it when we weren't breeding them and they became a MUST HAVE item when we saw them.

Alan 104

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crazyest ever- I was just doing some work on my small planted tank today and I see what I first thought was a baby tadpole swimming around.

Congrats 8)

I had a similar experience two weeks ago. Got a community tank where I haven't seen a platy baby for months (angels, kribs etc), anyway I moved some plants out, dropping them on a tea saucer which I carried in to another room, planted the plants etc, then on cleanup found a litty baby Platy in the bottom of the tea saucer in about 1mm of water haha lucky little dude is in my 3ft grow out tank now doing well.

Might have to start taking him to the lotto shop.

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