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Search Function - Seems to be working again.


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Well I had given up on the search, it was so useless it was far faster to go back through all the pages to find what you were looking for.

Give it a go, it's going ok at least, before I doubt it was even possible to find things (I think the topic lists were not accessed for searching much like looking for reports in an empty drawer ie, completly useless). I had a few searches and it did pretty well. I just thought I might point it out because I think everyone will be in the same boat as me, and just given up completly.


And here is a picture I took today of a praying mantis who is about as long as a 10c peice.


That is all. :lol:

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i am on the same boat as you mate. makes me wonder why you put down "seems to be working again" makes me soooo excite thinking it is back. More like will never come back again since the google search took over. :-? mind you it was there to make $$$$$$ each time a person search on it.

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You have a lot of free time, don't you.

Correct, :lol: I'm waiting on my uni results, then I'll think about getting a job. On the auction I was $11,000 short, oh well next time.

The search is working, it seems to find the older threads I searched for, so its waaay better than it was. It was just a passing thought, it wasnt supposed to be incredibly exciting news, however I did included a picture of a voracious predator that kills and eats members of its own species just to keep you interested.

The trouble I go to... :lol:

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