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Apistogramma pandurini


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Well done.

Now to see if they'll hatch.

I've lost three batches now after leaving them with the parents.

Found this after googling you're threads heading Amazonian.

The upshot is that A. panduro is a fully

described species. (Now, whether you want to call it panduro or pandurini

might be another issue.)

It was given the name A. panduro in the original description and unless changed

by the ICZN to something else it remains A. panduro

Mike Wise

Alan 104

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Hi All

Thanks for the congrats. 8)

I'm going to leave the eggs with the parents as they are both taking turns at fanning them and then going off to feed.

There also seems to be no animosity between them either which is unusual for cichlids.

If they eat the eggs they will only get to do it the once, :wink: but then they may be like my "Kribs": I cant kill them off faster than they drag another spawning around the tank. :lol:

Some Useless Data:

Tank is 20 X 9 X 9 inches

Temp is 26.8 C.

pH is 7.5

Hardness ......Plenty (typical Nelson water)


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My panduro's were real placid too, which I thought was real strange (I've heard from so many different sources that panduro are supposed to be the most aggressive of their genus). It wasn't until after the eggs were gone that they started fighting. Congrats with the spawn and I hope you and Hands do better than I did :D

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Hi All.

Thanks for that Antwan.

Day 2 and all is well in the household.

Eggs are still there and NO "WHITE" Ones. :hail:

Brine shrimp are getting eaten with great gusto and relish; but I'm running out of live adult ones though. :cry:

Never to mind they ate newly hatched to three day old before so they can damned well eat them again. :roll:

I dont want them getting too laid back in their condominium, and expect to be waited on hand and foot. :lol:

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Hi all,

an update before bed. :wink:

She has decided that too many people 4 -5 is too much for her to take in her DELICATE "post natal" situation and has moved the eggs to the back of a Flower Pot in the corner of the tank. :roll: :roll:


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Hi All :lol:

I have just got home from CHCH hospital and fed the critters but haven't had a good look at any of the tanks yet. :oops:

She is cleaning the rock to the right and down from where the eggs were originally laid and making rapid trips back and forth to the back of the flower pot so I assume there are eggs/ fry there and she is preparing to move them again.

Here's hoping. :wink:


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Hi All.

Well we have fry, about 35 on a quick count.

Not too bad for their first spawning.

And it gets better :wink:I bought four fish and I find tonight that there are in fact two pairs. 8)

The second pair are colouring up nicely as did the first pair prior to spawning. :roll:

So maybe I could get lucky and end up with two pairs spawning at the same times..... :lol:


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Bloody old bitch. :evil:

I had a look earlier today and all was great. :roll:

Mum and Dad both cleaning fry and doing well, but I just had a look and "The BUGGERS" have cleaned them up. Not a single fry to be sighted. :evil:

Never to mind, I have just pulled a little Artificial Hatching Tank" from under the house; and guess what. :roll:

I'm going to feed the buggers up on Brine Shrimp till they almost burst and fill with eggs and spawn...... but they wont be hatching them: I will. :lol:

Hands, my temp is 26 degrees and pH is 7.3.

It could be a bit more acid but I find around 7 is a good level to be in as a lot of fish fry seem to get "CONSTITUTIONAL DROPSY" in water which is on the "Acid" side of 7 and die very young.


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Since the parents are already proven to look after their fry, why not keep them with the parents next time? They will probably keep them much longer next time, and may even stay with them until you choose to separate them. Fry do grow much faster when with their parents. You could perhaps do what Billaney did with his angelfish and keep half with the parents, and then raise the other half yourself?

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Sorry AMAZONIAN to hijack your thread, but i now have free swimmers, the PH was 6.4 and the GH was 40ppm. She just brought them out to show us tonight. I have to give a whole lot of credit to antwan for getting these fish in such great condition before passing them on to me... :hail:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.

The "FAMOUS LAST WORDS" - They'll only get one chance at eating their eggs..... :oops:

How wrong was I. :cry:

Came back from Christchurch on Thursday night, and yep the "PANDURO" spawned again and looked like they had just finished. :hail:

So guess what, I off with my jacket up with the shirt sleeves and removed the FLOWER POT they had spawned in................. Hoorah: Like Hell, They saw me coming I reckon and started eating before I got the pot out of the tank.

I think though, I had the last laugh on them though as I still got four eggs that were stuck fast and, you've got it;

they hatched about an hour ago and the fry are wriggling like it's the end of the world.

Fingers Crossed that I manage to rear them. 8)


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