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Yay!! New Tank! but what to put in it???


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I have been thinking of setting up a tropical tank, and have finally decided on a 200L! However as my other tank is a 180L cold water, I have had no experience with these exciting tropicals!

I thought I'd take my time and plan properly what I want to put into it, and to what size they grow; compatibilty etc. (something I didn't do when I set up my cold water a few years ago and it ended up over loaded)

Does anyone have any advice on fish they would recommend to a tropical beginner? how many of what species would fit into that sized tank etc. I need as much advice as I can get! I quite fancy some Gouramies, tetras and Angel fish.......

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Hi Fatfish, glad you found us.

Your own selection of fish looks good, provided they are small to start with. Angels can get pretty big and can become a little aggresive at feeding and breeding time. Gouramies can grow quite big, and again can get quite stroppy for the same reasons. Buying small fish and allowing them to grow up together usually works, as the tend to become mates and live in harmony, but this is not always the case, so you have to keep a close watch on them.

You've got the right idea when you say you will "take time to plan it properly". Read all you can is my advise, and these boards are a good beginning.

A number of post have been made on tank sizes like 180 or 200ltr, but when it comes to fish the actual water surface of the tank is what matters.

In other words, a tank 600x300 wide will support less fish than a tank 600x450 wide. Hope this helps.

Keep reading those books :)


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  • 3 years later...

hi i have only set up my tank but i learnt the hard way that angel fish and neons are uncompatable. Black widows are ideal for a beginner they are tetras and are compatable with angelfish how ever also not with neons! I have a shoal of 6 black widows they are extreamly hardy and very attractive in my opinion more so than neons!

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