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You can get a sick fish from any supplier. And the supplier may not know it either.

The suppliers are in an impossible position. They get fish sent to them from all over, that have been mixed with other fish. An impossibility to expect disease free.

Buyers risk I say, if every customer demanded compensation for every problem and the importers paid out, they would probably have to increase prices several fold or go out of business.

Pretty much every reefer will sooner or later experience the heartache of losing a recently aquired beautiful fish. That should be an encouragement for the reefer to take responsability for their purchases by starting an effective QT and if needed treatment procedure for new arrivals. Me, I have a little QT tank, all new fish go in it for a few weeks observation. Once I'm happy with them, they go in the main.

One thing to be aware of also, some fish may have been kept in lower than normal salinity. The water your fish comes in should be checked for salinity, increasing it too quick can cause problems, the fish may just fade away & die a few weeks later. If a QT tank is available, it is a simple matter to lower salinity to the same as what the fish was in, and increase this over a few days until it matches the main tank, simply by using salt water instead of fresh to replace evaporation. Fish with whitespot also cope better in a lower salinity.

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Lost a Sail fin tang, clown fish, Lawnmower blenny and long nose yellow butterfly fish :cry::cry::cry:

Sorry for your losses Shaneo :cry:

I went through a similar thing in Yanuary this year.

I lost my pair of clowns plus their anemone, Blue tang, FIrefish goby.

Found out the problem was from a fish that was added that bought a nasty bacteria into the tank. Since then I have always used the QT tank and I have not had a loss since. The $100 spent on the QT has paid for itself many times and has also helped me to not worry and keep my stress levels down :wink:

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The chances are pretty high that you don't introduce anything like bacteria into the tank with new fish. Most of the time it is already there.

It is just the stress of the move that weakens them, then they get sick.

I'm sorry but I really dislike statements like that :evil:

It is misleading for beginners and I was one of those, and is the main reason I got the bac in my tank then aswell. Which also cost me over $500 in livestock, incidently the fish that bought the nasty into my tank survived and is still alive today after I treated it with some med i got from the USA

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I'm sorry but I really dislike statements like that :evil:

It is misleading for beginners and I was one of those, and is the main reason I got the bac in my tank then aswell. Which also cost me over $500 in livestock, incidently the fish that bought the nasty into my tank survived and is still alive today after I treated it with some med i got from the USA

You may not like the statement but it's often true. You can also introduce bacteria off your hand or food as well. Healthy fish will not notice the bacteria but new stressed fish get sick. Once a host is found the bacteria multiply to the point where other fish can no longer cope...

Even the best fish keepers make mistakes.

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I understand what you mean Warren, but i know for a fact that the bac got into my tank from a new fish that was introduced.

I am talking from a newbies point of view which was mine like the new marine keepers that are arround now. If you tell them bacteria cannot get into their tank from a fish, then you are misleading them.

Misleading information has cost me a lot of money over the last year :evil:

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Nobody is doubting the fact that bacteria can come in with new fish and the posts certainly do not state that it definitely can't. The discussion has simply been that it doesn't always come in with new fish.

Sorry if you find the statements misleading but I can't see how as they're just offering another alternative for where it came from... :D

Suggesting that the bacteria always comes in with the new fish is just as misleading.

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