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My tank finsihed cycling early this week, added 2 baby ocelaris and some star polyps have been testing ammonia nitirite and nitrate the whole time with salifert test kits with follwoign readings

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Ph 8 - 8.3

Nitrate 10ppm

Temp sites between 24 - 27degrees

Both the clowns had whitespot last night when I cam home, went back to work last night after deciding to monitor them, came home today and both are dead. Polyps are absolutely fine, all levels as per above.

Any ideas on what could have caused this?. I am now doing another water change of about 80 litres (system including sump about 350) and will do another tomorrow. Will use NSW from takapuna which about to go and get. Until now have been using ASW with RODI water from my partners work (hort research). Anyones ideas or similar experiences / solutions greatly appreciated.

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steve (jet ski steve) had lots and all other fine.

Using refractometer, 1.025 sg, tested his water (that the fish came in) and mine wiht my test kits before adding fish alll the same readings.

You cant screw up the testing with those kits as the result of nitrite and ammonia is clear if you have nothing. I have just collected enough water to do about a 90% change which I think could be a good idea.

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You cant screw up the testing with those kits as the result of nitrite and ammonia is clear if you have nothing.

Possibly true

I got a pair from the same batch of clowns 2 weeks ago and thay have doubled in size. If you dont have other fish to bully them my guess is water condition :-? I find my star polyps pretty hardy, but they always close up for a day or two when I dose Mag. :-?

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Aclimatized them for about 1 hours. There is nothing else in the tank apart from those two clowns (now dead) and the polyps. I have now done about a 99% w/c with NSW from Takapuna Boat ramp, was about 70degress so should affect the bacteria too much, removed most of the rock and kept in a large container with the original water while the tank heaps up along with the polyps. Should be abother couple of hours and will then put it all back in. Will run some tests again on the water tomorrow but dont expect to find anything. At least this would have reduced my nitrates and phosphates to a very low level.

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Aclimatized them for about 1 hours

Does not have to be that long. 15min is ok.

Can’t see why you did a 99% water change. Good way to kill off your tank bacteria.

It sounds like nothing is wrong with your tank water otherwise the star polyps would not open.

You got diseased fish,

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Sorry mate, getting a bit jumpy with the Pm's I'm getting. some people dont have the gonads to post :D . Parasites was my best quess???

May have just been bad luck.

I sold a angel i had for about 3 years ish to a mate. I had never had any problems with it. He put it in his tank, it got sick, and killed a couple of his other ones.

Point is we are dealing with live stock, and any type of stress could cause an outbreak. Esp when moving them to a new tank.

How is the tank now?

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