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Late Hello from a CHCH fishkeeper


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Ok well Ive been a member of this board fo a while now, so I suppose I better give some info on myself!

I've been keeping fish for over year now....started off with the common things Lemon Tetras (which spawned in my tank...but due to being a newbie at the time had no survivors) and neaon tetras

From there, and after a few months of playing/reading/learning I purchased my Satanoperca Jurupari's, and I love these guys (motley and lil one) except they cleaned up the neon tetras :cry: and added a few Khulie Loaches......

From there I started to like the cichlids more and thought about going for a semi aggresive cichlid tank....that was until I came across the Elephantnose (Wilson) I had wanted one of these from day one, and thought that after a years practice I was ready for him/her?

I also have another species tank setup for my puffers....a couple of Dwarf and a couple of figure eights that all seem to get along (well, at the moment anyway) which is currently undergoing some modification of its housing!

So there you have it.....the many guises of my fishkeeping experiences........I guess you could say Im a fan of the more Bizarre fish now (puffers, Elephantnose, and anything that doesnt seem normal)

Like everyone here Im still learning as I go, and have already learnt a lot from the helpful users of this board...So thanks guys!


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