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Cool Photo


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Fay, is the photo on the last page of the front section of the herald yours??

Oh my I didn't know he was going to put it in the Herald, that is why I didn't know what you were on about.

No it isn't my photo only my fish taken by Kenny Rodger we were giving the Herald info on the Waikato River and the camera man was very interested in my clowns :lol:

must be as it has your name and location posted as well. did you get any money from them for publishing your photo and name?

BTW great picture. i can save you a copy if you like.

he sent me a copy of the photo I sell Heralds don't forget :wink:
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He He! something similar happened to me once, I used to go kite fishing quite a bit with a Paul Barnes set up. Couple of years ago my son in law bought me the Paul Barnes Kite Fishing Video, as a gift.

We watched it as a family, about 1/2 way through, while I'm getting a coffee, a big scream goes up and people are yelling for me. I come & have a look, and, I'm on it! :D

I made a motorised kite hauler using an old 50 cc motorbike engine, which Paul had filmed me with, but I never knew this was on the video! :lol:

But wait - there's more! Once the laughing dies down my wife says "Who's that woman you're with?" :o It was Pauls wife who happened to get into the shot :lol:

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so here I was, taken out for lunch by a supplier, at the horse and trap, and i go to the toilet to be met by a photo of fays fish and anenome on the wall.

Nearly p---ed myself. Well Done fay!!.

But puttputt, wasnt that what you were going to do anyway??? :lol: :wink:

Its a fantastic photo

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