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You go away for 5 days and come back to dead fish :(


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i would do a 50% plus water change and it probably wouldnt hurt to give the filter media a rinse out, no doubt its clogged with food now :(

the longest i would leave most of my fish without a feed would be up to two weeks absolute max but i have no problems leaving them a week.

i personally wont use the feeding blocks, i dont normally go away for longer than a week at a time but if i do want the fish fed i leave made out amounts for the next door neighbour (who keeps fish anyway so thats a plus).

what has your flatmate got to say about all your fish dying?

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I just did about a 70% water change and removed about half of the fish and split them between two of my other tanks.

The filter is a mission to clean coz it doesn't have the taps on the hoses thanks to the nice person who sold it to me failed to tell me :x I might clean the filter on the weekend depending on how they look in the morning.

The thing is the fish don't look sick I just keep finding dead ones :cry: I hate this :(

He has only shown his face once since we got home sunday and just said oh I hope it isn't anything I did. :x

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Dam, sorry to here of the loss. :( I would say the fish have been poisoned, ammonia or similar. Not to much you can do except keep the water clean & see if the ones that have survived continue to do so. The water changes are a good idea, maybe get your water tested for peace of mind too.

With the filter, rinse out in your tank water too. No point killing any bacteria that may be alive.

As for me I am lucky, mum is well trained, & the gf dosen't give a s..t about fish, so if anything they get fed on the light side. No one will care for your fish like you do, unfortunately.

A tip, maybe next time buy an automatic feeder, yes it is dearer, but then you won't have to go through this rubbish again.

Frenchy :D

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sorry to hear its still going on there Tam , if you need to put your fish somewehere while you clean or maybe even recycle ( total clean out ) your tank again , I'm sure i can find temp room for them here till your ready. Anyway anything i can do to help just ask :) good luck

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None dead this morning, I think the total recycle idea is a good one....mission but I think it needs to be done. I will check it out when i get home and then make a decision.

If theres no more deaths tonight do you still think recycle?? its a bummer i don't need to move the tank anywhere as this would be a perfect time to do so.

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Thanks heaps guys, I caught as many fish as possible tonight and have completely overstocked two other tanks :-? theres still about 4 plattys 100 platy babies and neons and glow light tetras in there that i couldn't catch.

I will catch the rest tomorrow and i will strip the tank down and start again :x:( :-? :cry: :oops: :o:x :evil: :roll:

I may have to take someone up on that offer but I will do some shifting around first and see what i can do and just keep up water changes, damn all this happening and starting my new job all in the same week :cry:

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Sorry to hear about your tank.

Same thing happened to me Waitangi week end lost $100's of dollars of fish and coral (more into the thousands), ended up letting the tank re-cycle and slowly added stock again. Got to say am very paranoid about going out of town on trips now.

You can purchase diallers that run on a 12v battery to dial out if power loss occurs or temperature goes out of limits, etc. They vairy from $250-$800 depending on your requirements. (Call numbers with recorded messages, SMS, e-mail)


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You can purchase diallers that run on a 12v battery to dial out if power loss occurs or temperature goes out of limits, etc. They vairy from $250-$800 depending on your requirements. (Call numbers with recorded messages, SMS, e-mail)

Wish i was that rich :oops: but they sound very good.....

And yep i lost about 10-15 fish and when i think about how much i paid for them it would be between $100 - $130 worth :o I may as well throw my money away sometimes :x

Anyway I have striped everything and rinsed it (except filter but i'm getting there) just planting all the plants again.

I was thinking of throwing in a couple guppies tomorrow to start the cycle but i'm not sure yet.

hopefully all will be ok when its all back up and running :roll:

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timtam- if you are going to use fish to cycle the tank dont use the ones that were in there, they will be weakened already due to the spikes that occured from pollution and will have an even smaller chance of living thru it. do you have any other hardy fish that you would be able to use?

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Yea I do have others. what do you think will be best??

Platties (been in another tank waiting to go on tm)

krib large



dwarf gourami -these guys will end up in this tank in the end do you think i should put them in ??? the swords platies and krib would have to be re caught and put into there orginal tank if i used them which could be a problem

The biggest anoying thing is I have platties and swords, but they have never been in the same tank and I don't ever want them to be coz i don't way x bred mutants. so finding tank space and keeping them apart is proving difficult :-?

thanks for the advice. How often do you do water changes when the tanks cycling? this is the quickest i have ever added fish into a new tank so don't want to stuff it up too

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i dont cycle tanks anymore cause i have other tanks to scab filters etc off :lol: when i last cycled a tank with a medium fish load (for a cycling tank, it would be considered small for an established tank) i did 30% every 2-3 days i think, it was quite a while ago now.

i would probably take a good bit of media out of a healthy tank and put that in the 'sick' tanks filter, perhaps add a little substrate too if theyre the same types then slowly add fish, a few a week. your exisiting healthy tank shouldnt spike because it has all the established bacteria in the substrate aswell to keep it in line but do watch it just incase.

neons and the gouramis will take it the worst, the swords, platties or kribs will probably be your best bet. if you do it slowly and feed sparingly you may not find you get a spike at all :)

best of luck!

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neons and the gouramis will take it the worst, the swords, platties or kribs will probably be your best bet. if you do it slowly and feed sparingly you may not find you get a spike at all

Just as i thought, I will stick with the platties at this stage then and krib. The substrate are completely different so i will just keep an eye on things.

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