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Panduro spawned


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I recently got a breeding pair of panduro and not 2 weeks later have them gaurding a good batch of eggs. I'm new to the Apisto's and need some help. Do you care for the fry like any other egg layer, or is there any special treatment?

The pic is not good but here you go:

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k61/m ... 0_0253.jpg



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Congrat's Malawiman, these panduro's are really going for it.

The care of the young is the same as any other cave spawning cichlid.

Except the male plays no part in raising the fry, in the wild he would bugger off else were in his terrory and find himself another girl friend.

With that in mind....

The only thing you have to watch for is the females can get super agro towards the male ( and any other fish that gets to close ), if he can not find refuge he may well be killed. This can happen very fast, one minute theres a bit of tention next he's having his fin's shredded mercilessly.

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Congrats on the eggs. :D Just protect them from any bottom dwelling fish that are brave enough to barge in there. And protect the eggs against fungus. You really got to watch the female and male (like caserole said) so the female doesn't attack the male..One of my dwarfs did that and now the male doesn't want to breed anymore! :-? Good Luck with hatching.. :bounce: :bounce:

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:lol: I use baby B/N to keep the glass clean and to mop up any excess bbs, it's a good thing there fast other wise they wouldn't last 5 min. The Females are so very protective of their eggs and fry.

I haven't lost any eggs to them but I do have a light over my bbs hatcher 24/7 which gives the fish a night light to keep an eye on things.

penguinleo said

One of my dwarfs did that and now the male doesn't want to breed anymore!

To stop this from happening I seperate my pairs with a stainless steel mesh when the female has eggs. Hes still in the tank thou and it stops him from betting up the female if the spawn is unsuccessful, I move it ( but not remove it, this helps to define which part of the tank is his or hers )so the pair can get back to gether after 2 weeks this I find is enough time for things to charm down and the female to become rip with spawn again.

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