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moving house soon help please

K R Brown

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What type of fish do you have? Most will be fine, but want to make sure you dont have tempromental fish that may need special attention.

I've done many >75% water changes and a recent 100% water change with no losses (the fish generally love the fresh water, changes in water hardness/ph also seem to also encourage spawning). So I wouldn't be too fussed about that, but if you've got the buckets with lids then use'em!

Make sure your filters are not turned off for much more than 30 minutes if possible.

Take this oppurtunity to clean out your gravel too.

If available, use an air stone in any buckets temporarily holding fish, heater isnt important.

When setting up again, try to match the tank temperature with the current temperature of the bucket water, and let your heaters raise it back to the normal tank temp.

Personally I'd use stress-coat in the buckets and in the new tank as well, however many think this is uncessecary.

Good luck!

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normally i get a bucket fill it, plonk the media(if its a canister)/filter (if its small enough to fit) in the bin and pop the lid on. that will take care of the filters as they wont dry out and wont get temp shock etc from new water.

then i put the substrate in bins and put enough water over them to keep it wet as this holds a bit of your bacteria as well. dont pour the water the substrate is sitting in back into the tank as it will hold a heap of poop. doubles as a good gravel clean too. you may not need to put water in the bins with gravel as it will stay relatively damp for the 10 min trip, its up to you but wouldnt be a big issue.

then i put as much water into bins as poss, bag up the fish, into a poly box and off you go.

a ten min move isnt gonna be too hard, just make sure you plan it all as there is nothing more stressful than holdups when you have fish sitting in bins waiting to move in :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm moving from Taumarunui to KatiKati next weekend which is about 270kms. I have 3 x 300L tanks to move....I am dreading it. Just as long as my house is packed up I can spend the last night dismantling the tanks. Fish are going to be living / travelling in chilly bins. Now that some of the cichlids are bigger I am going to need more chilly bins. I wont be doing another move anytime soon! Good luck with your move. :D

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