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Nannacara anomala - The Golden dwarf cichlid (has spawned!!)


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I saw a bunch of these at the pet shop last week and just couldn't resist. They look so awesome and make a nice addition to my dwarf cichlid collection. This is the first time I've seen them - but I think they have been imported before. Here are some pics of the pair I bought. They look more green than golden.

The male:



The female:



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The reason why I think they have been imported to NZ before is because when I did a search for them on this site, I found a page indicating that there were ppl breeding them up to 2002. But yeah, it would be cool if I can get this pair to breed.. it looks promising as the female is already quite fat..

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I saw a pair at HFF maybe what you got recently, looked very nice. Asked the dude about them but he knew nothing :-?

They had 3 pairs when I was there and I picked out what I thought were the best male and female. Jansens silverdale have a bunch as well - but they all seem to be a lot younger and/or mainly females. They initially had them labelled as 'Panduro' til I pointed it out.. :-?

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Nice fish Kttk, Yes they have been here before I was breeding them a few years back.I didn't find them hard at all.

Although as with Apisto's the female gets super agro when siting on eggs.

Antwan, You got a pair of panduro's SO SO JELOUS :wink:

the shops down here just suck!!!!!!!!!!, they hardly ever have anything like Apisto's let alone Nanacara.

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You're upset caserole and you live in Welliebobs, near enough .

So how do you think we feel in the South Island then.. :cry:

I dont think anyone in the LFS here in the "Top of the South" would have any idea what a Dwarf Cichlid of any discription looks like, let alone stock one, or even a pair maybe.

There has to be a better way. 8)

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Suppose that's where our LFS comes in handy. We often get Apistogramma agassizii oh and at the moment we have cockatoos or something very much like them but with very little color. Funny I always thought our LFS had the least selection. The LFS owner has said that the dwarf cichlids are a really good seller though so....

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Hi all

I have found, and confirmed over time that unless a LFS Owner is a hobbyist, they know absolutely nothing about fish in general (Zilch, zero, Jack Sh.t;) and that does not do the hobby any good at all. :(

Also what came obvious (to me anyway) was that if the LFS owner talked to someone who had the "appearance of knowing something" (Talked a Good Story) about our scaled friends then that was accepted as gospel. :oops:

That in its self is a backward step for the genuine hobbyists.

To that end the word "CICHLID" conjures up a plethora of wrecked tanks killed fish, no plants and all the other stuff, we know, happens in a tank containing the "Large" cichlids. :roll:

Unfortunately the "Dwarfs" have been thrown into the "Large" cichlid category and the LFS just wont accept that they are entirely different to the other's so they wont order them in to sell them.

I personally find "Dwarfs" to be characters in their own right with their attitudes, and inquisitiveness. :wink:



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Speaking of dwarfs being thrown in with there larger cousins I saw a fire mouth put in with (can't remember now exactly what they were) the larger one's (maybe jack depsies sp) and some big gouramis sp. When I spoted it the poor fish was almost dead. It was taken out of the tank (this is at the LFS) and poped into a bag with the intention of me taking it home and trying to nurse it back to health. In the 3 minutes I spent talking with one of the workers it died.

It really is quite upseting when you see something like that. It was an easily preventable mistake and cost a beautiful fish it's life. I really think that if you're going to work in an LFS you should be trained in the fish that can and can not go together, birds and the rest.

just my 2c

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Well MRSkz, thanks for that.

It seems that it's not only me that cares for our charges and I am definitely not alone. :wink:

We have to educate the unwashed and teach them that without hobbyists there would be no need for their LFS. :roll:



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I saw these guys at Jansens in Glenfield. And I got a pair of these guys myself too. There was a pair in the tank that had eggs too. They had laid eggs on a piece of driftwood. The female had turned very dark. The eggs are very unique. They are almost perfectly round. The female was very aggressive to the other tank members. I just had to get a pair too. I have them in a small tank at the moment. The male is quite aggressive to the female I have to say though...the male is also very brave fighting off bigger fish than him. :D

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Yes as pointed to they are like Apisto's, but not as fussy to the type of water the're in as long as it is softish.

If kept in a small tank YOU MUST be careful your male does not kill the female and the reverse when she has eggs.

Feed heavily on live food should have them spawning in 10 days or less if the temp is right - they like mid 20's not to hot not to cold.

Nannacara anomala are cave spawners but will spawn in the corner of a tank if no cave is provided.

The Male is 1/2 to 2/3 as large as the female when full grown and stunning :D

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Dont want to go too off topic but when i see a dead fish in a shop tank, I ALWAYS tell a staff member ASAP, and wait for them to remove it. Decaying fish in a tank can quickly kill other fsh, or make them sick, then an un-expecting customer comes along and buys the fish, and has to go through fixing it.

My advice is, if you ever see a dead (or dying, or sick) fish in a shop tank with other fish, TELL ONE OF THE STAF MEMBERS, and ask them to remove it if it is dead, or suggest they put a sick/dying fish in a quarantine tank by itself so as to not affect other fish. Simple little things like this can help the hobby so so much....

Well done Ktttk on getting a pair of these wicked fish. Hope you can breed them and get them into many tanks all over the country!!!

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I saw these guys at Jansens in Glenfield. And I got a pair of these guys myself too. There was a pair in the tank that had eggs too. They had laid eggs on a piece of driftwood. The female had turned very dark. The eggs are very unique. They are almost perfectly round. The female was very aggressive to the other tank members. I just had to get a pair too. I have them in a small tank at the moment. The male is quite aggressive to the female I have to say though...the male is also very brave fighting off bigger fish than him. :D

Good stuff Penguinleo - good luck with your pair.

Hope you can breed them and get them into many tanks all over the country!!!

Funnily enough, I came home this afternoon to find the male cowering in the corner and the female taking up residence inside a hole in a brick. The female has gone very dark - especially around the head and has checkerboard markings along her flanks and her back. She is very aggressive towards all the other fish and i have removed them for their own safety. I think there is a group of eggs in the brick - but will confirm when I try and take some pics tomorrow... this is exciting :bounce:

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