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Cloudy glass cat fish


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hey we have a lone glass cat fish in our planted tank and instead of being glassie it has gone kind of cloudy and splotchy, it looks as if it has fungus on its insides cause if i look straight down it theres nothing protruding off it, theres also guppies (that dont seem to do very well and die all the time), neons which are dying from old age (they over 2 years old) and breeding bristlenose's which are doing great, also a flying fox (sae) which is doing great and growing fast as. pH is about 6.8 and no nitrates, or ammonia.

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Glassfish don`t like being on their own....3+ is better...I would isolate him in another tank if poss, until you can find out what`s wrong...

Guppies dying all the time....well, they like harder water, like mollies...maybe that`s why? Are you in a softwater area?

Tho` how big is your tank? ...

How many fish of each species are in it???

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