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What to do with Gold Severum Eggs?


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What should i do with Gold Severum Eggs?

My Severums have only now decided to pair up and do some spawning.

one pair has only this morning dropped some eggs on a plastic container I have in the tank.

Should I leave the eggs for the parents to fan? OR

Take it out and place it in a seperate tank with an airstone running by it?

This is the first time that my convent has had any eggs.

Thanks. :bow:

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Hi Paul

Take the eggs out and artificially hatch and rear them.

Since this is their first spawning you will loose nothing as the other inhabitants will make life "Hell" for the parents and they'll probably eat them anyway. :cry:

But by artificially hatching etc. it will give you a good education on the art of artificial rearing.

Go for it and Good Luck.


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Hi Paul

Good luck... :lol:

It's easy to find a 18 x 9 x 6 inch tank to artificially hatch, rear and start the growing journey.

It's the larger tanks you and I have to keep adding to keep up with the rate of the fishes spawnings. :oops:

I mean to say that you wouldn't want to seperate a perfectly happy and compatable spawning pair of fish and break up the happy home, now would you? :lol:

Never let it be said that "MTS" doesn't strike us all at some stage in our life long hobby. :roll:

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