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Yep I finaly done it. Turned to the dark side!


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Chloride is not much of a worry, the biggy you are trying to avoid is phosphate.

Some bottled water is simply carbon treated and will still contain phosphate, and some spring water will contain it.

Any water treated with RO will have low / zero phosphate.

From the Pure Dew website:http://www.puredew.co.nz/

We use a combination of the latest in purification processes:

Steam Distillation,

Reverse Osmosis,



This makes our water - At least 100 times more pure than Mineral or Spring water:

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Ok the rock is starting to get quite brown. Is this expected? Have I done something wrong? or is this when I look at adding a clean up crew?

With a clean up crew where would I get them and what would I be looking for to put in the 7gallon tank? Don't have them available at the LFS down here (snails, hermit crabs) so what do I do in this situation?


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ahhhh ok. So I can expect it to get a little worse then it will start to come right on its own. I have noticed little orange/red fury worms as well as more of these anemone looking things. Have seen a little light purple cichion (sp) thingys with the domed over shell. Look like little moving mountians haha. Also seen little orange tenticles comming out of a tube on the side of a piece of rock. I got to see about getting my friends camera so I can try and take some macro pics of all this. With this all happening is it all a good thing?

Cheers again

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We've had, in order of appearance:

-Brownish ginger stuff all over the rock and aragonite sand.

-Dark red/magenta almost black slightly hairy stuff on the rock, complete with bubbles that got to 3mm ish before they floated to the surface (not Valonia). Mostly on one rock, and not the other for some strange reason.

-Green wirery hair algae

-Bright green very low growing slimey looking stuff, but only on top surfaces exposed to the light.

Things to look foreward to!

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Brownish ginger stuff all over the rock and aragonite sand.

probably diatoms

Dark red/magenta almost black slightly hairy stuff on the rock, complete with bubbles that got to 3mm ish before they floated to the surface (not Valonia). Mostly on one rock, and not the other for some strange reason.

? cyano?

-Green wirery hair algae


-Bright green very low growing slimey looking stuff, but only on top surfaces exposed to the light.

green hair algae

we've probably ALL had them all!

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