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Oscar Feeding (Video)


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puddles (Helen, my fiance) thought she'd get Jimmy (her oscar) a treat, and we came home with 20 or so neons. Thought I'd video it for anyone who's interested.

Camera ran out of batteries just as he got in to it though :( After the footage we had water splashing out of the tank. Took him about 10-15 minutes to learn technique, then the remaining fish were gone in seconds. First time they've had live food we think.

http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j307/ ... s_neon.flv

In the video you can see our 8 inch red devil cichlid, and 9 inch oscar. We were playing with the lighting, which caused both of them to 'mini-sulk'. Normally they'd be keenly at the front.

Hutt Pets has got in stock some baby oscars (super-cute), and we'll be setting up a lil' tank for them next weekend and getting a pair :)

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Yeah wasnt my idea, but Helen was keen, and I think its good to do things like this with larger cichlids to make their life a little less boring.

After about 5 minutes there was a good 15 or so left, so I said if he hasn't eaten them after we've had a coffee, the remainder will go in to the planted tank, but he got the last 15 sooooo quick. Red Devil only got one of them.

Pawz: haha yeah, please excuse the rubbish, I forgot it was rubbish day on Friday.

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be real careful with feeders, not only can they introduce nasty parasites and bugs to your fish and tank there is also a nutritonal downside to using feeders-

Certain fish used broadly as feeders are also high in thiaminaise (spelling is objective) which when ingested seem to prevent the absorption of other essential nutrients such as vitamin D as well as some minerals, creating a direct link to nutritional deficiencies, immune system deficiencies and less than ideal growth, and even potential abnormal growth (much less likely but still possible).

neons are often not in the best health when you receive them so id at least quarentine them. to give my O a bit of 'excercise' i will tie a piece of his beefheart recipie onto a string real loose and drag it round the tank for a bit so he has to chase it, it normally drops off by itself after a bit so theres no risk of him eating the string. oscars eat very little fish in the wild and lean more towards the bug sides of things so if youve got any praying mantis or worms etc that are from a clean source they are a good live treat.

babble over :lol:

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hah yeah I know, 'twas more because Helen wanted to see it rather than dietry, and it surely entertained the guy, got the carpet wet lol

He gets either bloodworms, tubifex cubes, or cichlid pellets for snacks, and we use the oscar mix from oscarspot for dinners. He has grown an inch since we got him :)

He's sulking a little bit today, looks like he failed at a Hudini attempt last night, tad sore I imagine.

We finally found some baby oscars. We wanted these earlier but thought the smallest size you could get was normally 8 inch, but imports have just come in, and they're about 2-3 inches, and act like excited little kittens, so have plans on getting a pair this or next weekend. Obvious concern will be tank space as they get older. Cracks me up though, we got the power bill and Helen goes 'NO MORE FISH TANKS' then we were at the store and she saw the baby oscars hahaha 'omg can we get some' was classic.

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