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gravel vac sand soultion...


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hiya guys, im running coral sand in my malawi tank (not the realy fine stuff but the lil balls that dont get stuck in gills)

any way i got sick of having to top it up after my gravel vac

so i got 1 of my small nets that i no longer use cut it up and put it on my gravel vac so no i can gravel vac my whole tank and not lose the sand or fish.

if anyone wants pix let me know and ill upload sum.

only lil problem is once the sand is in the vac i have to cut of flow for a second by bending the pipe but dnt worry it starts again no problem.

P.s. im using a very fine net

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ok step 1 get you net


remove the net and put it over the end of the gravel vac like so


Put the end cap on it (the lil funny shaped bit) it'll be tight but thats good so it wont fall off


and now as you can see the gravel isnt going down the pipe but you can still get all the crap out


once you have got it full of sand just block the end of kink the hose and the sand will drop out of the net.

its a little bit slower than normal vac but its going to save you so much $$ in replacement sand.

IF you want to you can cut the netting down and tape it up etc

have fun and let me know if you have any sucess

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that is true, only problem i can find is with larger fish, their poos are much larger and wont go through the fine net, and they'd just drop down again if you stopped the flow, i have argonite gravel in our tanks and its all 2mm and gets sucked up so what i do is quickly zip round picking up all the big poos and then stir up the gravel with my hand to clean it and get the deep dirty spots and then just syphon out the rest of the water im taking out

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Yeah I use joandwillys method too usually only means I have one bucket to lift (the one full of all the crap I get out of the gravel) and tip all the sand out of that back into the tank. Then syphon the water out the window I dont think the net would work for our tank cuz the waste it sucks up is quite large and wouldn't go through the net.

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