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Skimmers - which one of these three...


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Okay, We've kept tropicals for years, now moving into a marine setup.

We're looking at around 300-500Ltr (depending on how much I can sweet-talk the wife :hail: ) with a recirculating sump.

So, my question is, which one of these three skimmers have people used, and which one is the better one? These three are all I can source from our wholesaler :-? .

They are (in no particular order....)

Rio Queen TS2000

Via Aqua MSD-1

Via Aqua AF-1300A Queen SK200

Look forward to your reccomendations :D

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I think I have a Via Aqua SK200, it used to be on briananemones coral tank, but he hasnt posted for a long while.

He had SPS, so it must have been ok but be might have had another skimmer that I wasnt aware of...? Perhaps others can remember.

I'd be fairly sure you shouldnt get the RQ TS2000, have you looked at the weirpro 2014? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 738306.htm

I have both the sk200 and weipro 2014 but I havent set up my tank so I cant tell you which is better - for whats its worth I did try the weipro once, and it got gunk out straight away, although it was watery but still, it hadnt had anytime to "run in".

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