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skunk loach


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i bought some plants yesterday and when i got home found the bag moving and this little guy had hitched a ride... found out what he was by looking at pics on the net....

does anyone have any? are they as agressive as the web pages say towards small fish..eg.betta , cherry bards, black neons?

he seems fine and happly finding places to hide in my drift wood. if i do keep him i will get him some friends but first want to know if he is ok wih my fish...

also wat does he eat. so far iv put in a sinking wafer he might of eaten and some blood worms?

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cool lucky score :bounce:

they're reasonably peaceful fish and would eat just about anything that gets to the bottom of the tank also any snails u have. they can get a little nippy but not a big deal since they're always at the bottom.

good idea to have 2 or 3 of them together though :D

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I have two skunk loaches with 10 neons, 5 glowlights, 4 angels, 2 gourami, 4 serpae neons, a BN catfish & a clown loach & they are not agressive at all, even to each other. they spend most of their time burrowing under my swamp kauri & i hardly ever see them compared with the others. I paid around $10 each for mine at about two inches long.

http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g183/ ... 9cb488.jpg


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Hey Dude I have two these are awesome fish with great character mine are both well over 12 nches now and love to chase each other.

Keep it wiggle your finger really fast in front of it and watch it get excited mine feed from my hand the funny thing is when they get excited there faces go bright red.


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I can't offer it a home, but I just wanted to say that I got mine the same way - it came with the plants. First fish into the tank and it's still there 2.5 years later. Its been a wonderful fish, I just had to make sure it had a hole it could call its own to hide in. It certainly hasn't grown to 30 cm.

I also suspect it was involved in the sudden snail depopulation - another redeeming feature.

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