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100L and 750L tank comments


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i think they look horrible in fact they look so bad u should get rid of them so hurry up and move them to my place :lol: :lol: :lol: JUST KIDDING!

great set up how big are those apple snails? [its not often u see all the snails bigger than the fish :D] what is ur plan for the large tank?


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yea so ive heard =), ive got a male and a female, i think il let them be for now, and if or should i say when they spawn, il probably let them spawn only once, then do my best to seperate the males and the females, so that no more will occupy the tank, but would love them to spawn once. As they would be the first bubbas i would have.

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well if you have a m and f then its just a matter of time :P(and not much) i have two small cons (7cm) in my tank and they just about always have eggs or baby. im so sick of it now because they get so agro and fight everyone. if i see eggs i try and destroy them (i feel bad every time) and if babys then i try syhon them up with the gravel cleaner. looks like im going to have to grow up another m or f to have just the same sex in the tank

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