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Newbie here with a couple of questions.


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Hi all,

My name is James and i just got into tropical fish keeping a month ago. At the moment I have 3 blue rams, 5 cardinal tetras, 4 peppered cory's, 2 plecos and 6 tiger barbs (The barbs are seperated for the moment though).

Im havinga great time with the fish and watching them is a pleasure.

For my first question: I am feeding the cory's sinking pellets but when I feed them the blue rams eat those pellets instead of the flakes i give them and im worried the cory's arnt getting enough to eat. Is there anything i can do about this or should i just let it be?

Secondly, at the moment i have just an undergravel filter going and just wanted to know what parts of it i have to clean and how often? I could go to the store i bought it from and ask but i cant go back for a couple of days so ill see what you all have to say.

Thats all from me, thanks

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Hi James and welcome. First questions...

1. What size is the tank?

2. Did you "cycle" it before adding all those fish?

Unless your tank is at least 4ft x 2ft x 2ft you will need to get rid of the plecs as they grow over to 2ft. If your tank has plants they won't last long as the plecs will uproot them.

Rams need a well matured tank I believe and very good water quality.

The rams aren't that big so I am sure you can get a pellet or 2 near the corys before the rams eat all of them.

UGFs just need siphoning over the gravel when you do your regular water changes. Make sure you have enough substrate over the UGF for the plants to grow. You need about 5cm.

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it is approximately 60l and 60cmL 30W 30H

I think i have one pleco and one bristlenose. I did cycle the tank before i put the fish but i didnt put them in all at once, the rams only went in a week ago and the tiger barbs went in today. I know my tank is small for all those fellas but im upgrading my tank to approx 80-85L in a few weeks.

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Hey Jimbo, lol love that username :lol:

Nice array of fish, sounds like you're getting off to a great start. The bristlenoses don't get as big as the normal plecos so maybe you could swap it? Either that or after you upgrade upgrade again :D

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there are a few tank makers around on this forum, they may be able to help you get a bigger tank if cost is a worry. thats how I got my 4ft tank for less than a brand new 3ft costs in stores.

the guy who made my tank works in auckland but we managed to work out a good freighting deal, I'm sure there is someone closer to you that can help you out.

some UGF's have a little filter catridge with activated carbon and filter floss at the top of the uplifts.

these will need to be changed every mounth or so for the carbon.


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