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Everything posted by nimbus
Wow, great pics of an awesome looking tank. Thanks for sharing Klayman. Makes my brackish puffer tank look pretty boring
Thanks for that information Michelle, it is very much appreciated. Alan, I have no answer as to why I don't keep a quarantine tank and there are probably lots of things I "should" be doing when keeping fish but don't for various reasons :oops:. And I will be trying Michelles suggestion before introducing my fish to the concrete floor. Regards Linda
Thanks for your response Alan. After receiving Caryl's reply I decided I would treat them for parasites, since TB is untreatable. I havent managed to source a treatment as yet... will try again tomorrow. But considering your comments ... and bearing in mind I don't have a quarantine tank ... to euthanaise seems my only option, since TB is fatal and my other fishes are at risk. Okay... so heres the thing... feeling this is the appropriate course of action, how do I go about it? Everything I have read about euthanaisia (spelling???) says that pricking them in the brain is the kindest way to go ... but I really do not have the stomach for this. I would find it much easier to put them in a plastic bag and stick them in the freezer, but this is apparently one of the crueliest things one can do. I know I am being a pussy here, but I really feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Any suggestions gratefully received. Also... would a lfs (and a supposedly reputable one) knowingly sell sick fish??? I am a bit of a trusting soul and tend to take what folk say to me at face value. Feeling a bit depressed but remaining hopeful ... Regards Linda
Thanks for this information Caryl. I will treat for internal worms as going by information gathered on the net, there is no cure for TB. If it is TB it doesnt look good for the rest of my fish . Can you or anyone please recommend a worm treatment and any other advice is appreciated. Regards Linda
I have recently purchased two blue rams. I have not had much success with these fish in the past, but now that my tank is well established and I'm a little bit wiser thought I would give them another go. I wasn't feeling the best when I went shopping for them, so didnt really take the time to check them over as well as I probably should have. Anyway I now find they both have sunken bellies. Can anyone advise what is the cause of this, is there something I can do or is it just a matter of time until their demise. They seem to be acting as normal but their colouring comes and goes. Any clues or advise gratefully received. Thanks ... Linda
Hi Opius I bought my puffers about five months ago and have no idea how old they were when I got them. They hang out in a 54L tank which I guess eventually they will outgrow. They dont seem any bigger than when I first got them. I have read they will eventually require full salt but how does one know when to increase the salinity and what modifications if any would I need to make to my tank. After having yours for 2 1/1 years, how big are that presently? Do you have any suggestions regarding the brown algae. I am finding this is less of a problem if I keep the light switched off but would prefer to have it on for a few hours each day. Thanks for you input. Regards Linda
Congratulations! I have just bought a pair of blue rams, and desperately hoping they will breed.
Rosy Barbs would be a good option as they are colourful and very active. I understand they are easy to breed also.
Hi Phillz Yes I have a brackish tank and it would be nice to have some company here to share the trials and tribulations with. My tank is 60 X 30 X 30 (54L) and contains 2 green spotted puffers and three bumblebee gobies, who all seem to get along quite well despite advise to the contrary. I set my original tank up about 4 months ago, but uplarged just in the last month or so. I love my puffers but maintaining a brackish tank is time consuming. The main problem being brown algae, it coats everthing within 7-10 days. Maintenance involves taking everything out and scrubbing with a toothbrush, but being a smallish tank makes this easier to manage. To remedy this problem I have tried algae blocks and"TLC for Freshwater Aquariums" (a natural algae inhibitor) which works wonders in my tropical tank but not as effective in my brackish tank and just recently algae blocks. My next option to see if I can conquer this problem is to try a product (cant remember name at the moment) that absorbs silicates which apparently algae loves. The other problem is feeding. Generally the gobies will only eat frozen bloodworms and I have to be cunning here as the puffers like to get to it before the gobies have even noticed there is food on offer. The puffers gobble any live food offered and also frozen brine shrimp and to my delight love peeled peas . I do love my brackish tank, especially the puffers. They get to know their owner and will swim to the front of the tank when I come near. And they look so adorable when they sleep curled up like a wee puppy. What fish were you thinking of adding to your brackish tank? Im sure you are doing heaps of research on this, and I can only add that compatibility seems to be an issue with various types and also a lot of brackish fish tend to get quite big, such as the monos and scats. Hope I havent put you off and look forward to hearing how you go. Feel free to ask if I have left anything out.
Lucky you Caper, a long weekend and fish shopping. It doesnt get much better . When I buy fish I always transport them home in a soft chillybin (not sure what you call them over their, eskie maybe), just to help keep the temperature stable. Have fun and let us know what you got
I found an article and recipe for a culture for Wingless Fruit Flies if anyone would be interested. I have meant to try it, but havent gotten around to it as yet. :roll:
Hi Chakuna Thats some pretty angry/sad faces and I dont blame you but dont take the comments to heart as everyone is really nice here and you will learn lots. Don't be shy to ask any questions and thanks for sharing what fish you have. How long have you been keeping fish? It's a great hobby and I wish you lots of happy hours with your fishy friends. Linda
I saw some in my local pet shop last week. Let me know if you would like me to get some for you.
I adore blue rams but unfortunately don't seem to have any luck keeping them for any length of time. I was in Hollywood Fish Farm a couple of weeks back, and they had quiet a few of them, and I was so tempted to buy a couple, but I really need to find out what they don't like about my aquarium. All my other fish do just fine. Any suggestions .... anyone???
Wow, Im impressed Steve, this looks great. What fish do you intend keeping in them. And what number of tanks will you have total in your fishroom. Thanks for sharing, and looking forward to seeing some other fishrooms. Regards Linda
Hi Alisha This guy visited New Zealand about a year ago, and I saw an interview he did with Paul Holmes (I think). I was amazed by his story and his will to survive, pretty gruesome what he went through, and couldnt decide if I wanted to read his book or not. Amazing guy and very inspirational. Question: Where and how does one shrimp for seahorses. Regards Linda
Thanks Jude, I have been scratching my head wondering what everyone was referring to by MTS ... Now I Know :roll: And welcome Mav, just new here myself. Your project sounds amazing, I hope you get around to posting some pics. Regards Linda
Thanks for the welcome guys, and glad to see there is some positive feedback for a brackish forum.
I guess that means me 8) . Name: Linda Age: 43ish Occupation: Full-Time Mum/Part-Time Secretary Sex: Yes Book: Reading at the moment The Reckoning by Patricia Tyrrell and The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants as going to see the movie next week with my girl. All time fav book would probably be Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follet. Hobbies: Love to read, cook, movies, go to the beach except in the height of summer when its too hot with too many people, and waste time watching my fish. Family: Michael - 15, Sophie - 13, Hubby 40 something and Mike the Border Other pets: Leo the Cockatiel, two mice, canaries, quails and cordon bleur finches. Location: Papakura, Auckland Car: Toyota Corolla Favourite food: Pizza, Roast Lamb, Butter Chicken, and so many others
This is a great website and one I find I am checking into more and more, so figured it was about time I showed myself 8). I have an AR620T Aquarium, and yes often wish I had longer arms. But I do love the look of a taller tank. It accommodates a gorgeous rainbow shark, 2 keyhole cichlids, several kuhli loaches, neon tetras and harlequins, 1 flying fox, 3 rosy barbs and one rather large apple snail. I also have a brackish tank which I have just updated from a 24L to a 54L. This tank is home to two puffers and three bumble gobies. They are doing pretty well but do have issues with this setup. I.e. algae and finding something my gobies will eat besides bloodworms, which they often cant beat the puffers to. I did think about posting a couple of queries regarding this but couldnt decide whether to post under Tropical or Marine. Any thoughts for a Brackish Forum?? Anyway thanks to all those who contribute to making this a great site to visit whenever I get stuck for a solution to a problem. Regards Linda