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Everything posted by mass

  1. mass

    Proper drilling

    Then only possible solution is to run a hose trough the tanks floor till the top of the water level? Or even those ~70 cm of hose height will make too much pressure? ___ *Not "dont get" but "dont know" - thats why I'm asking questions.
  2. Hi, Is it possible to drill holes into the bottom (floor plane) of tank for water in/out used by external canister filter? Well, i know - its possible to drill anywhere, BUT if the filter are located under the tank - hidden in the stand shelf - i'm not sure if filter pump will hold all the pressure of 350 liter tank and will be able to pump the filtered water upwards, back into the tank? I just want to hide any pipes and holes, so this maybe is a solution.
  3. mass

    Dying catfish?

    I have this tank for about 2 months or 6 weeks. Gravel and all the water was removed by the owner and both fishes i got in the jar filled with tap water (not the best solution . Anyway - all were fine before the whitespot came. I have also 5 neons (all died b/o whitespot), 4 barbs, 1 guppy, 2 black mollies and 2 orange swordfish in this tank. Another question - if they will get well - how can I put them back without knowing that they will not infect may tank again with whitespot? Is there some way how to disinfect live fish? I assume I should do it also, when I buy new fish.
  4. mass

    Dying catfish?

    I'm not sure about a sort, becouse I got them together with a tank from previous owner. They look pretty much like this one: http://mass.burti.lv/img/catfish.jpg But I found this image here in forum, so i dont know really. Yesterday when i'd chek them out, i thought that one of both has no eyes anymore, but when I looked closer I saw that his eyeballs has went pretty deep in his head. I really dont think, that they gonna survive. Also they arent eating last 4 days.
  5. Here you can see the stuff: http://kviller.lv/Caurules%20Gehr/Caurules.html
  6. You should search for store, which provides plastic materials for advertising and decoration needs (mostly). They have a plexiglass cilinders (tubes and filled). In my country the neme of this shop is "WMT", and it is international all over the europe, so you could try to find one where you are living. If not, then just call info hotline and ask for plexiglass/PVH/self-adhesive materials dealer and go to pick up what you need.
  7. mass

    Dying catfish?

    I have 2 catfishes about 10 cm long in 50 l tank together with another fish. There was a white spot explosion and I was using "JBL Punktol" for treatment, lost 5 neons, but all other fish are fine except catfish - there were no white spots on them, but it looks like this medicine are doing harm to them. They lost their whiskers and partly flukes, and their skin seems to be peeling. Now i keep them in seperate tank and do not use Punktol there. So, my question is - are there any chances for them to get well? If no, then maybe I should fastly end up hassle for them? What should i do to get them better?
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