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  1. Very interesting artical Shilo,congratulations.I think I could have built 10 of those systems in the time it would have taken me to type out and illustrate an article as good as yours! :lol: I built something similar which worked ok the only problem I could not seem to get around was air locks slowly forming over 2 days until the syphon would stop working.Both ends of the tube were submersed but small bubbles of air would form on the inner walls of the tube until they got big enough to rise to the top of the syphon bend,eventually stopping the water flow.
  2. you said it john--------i'm just not game to go there :lol:
  3. wipe the paint off with a Sari John----thats if you want a silk finnish! :lol: :lol:
  4. hi, just thought i remember reading something on a bottle of "fish medicine" about certain bacteria being gram positive or gram negative.Would this fit into Delta's theory of aquatic static?? If the Indians were so concerned about h2o bacteria count+getting sick maybe they should strain the h2o through their sari then boil out any remaining germs. Anybody out there tried sneaking a back panel out of a sari down the market place?(rubs black eye) :lol: Think I'll stick with filter wool hehe.
  5. Have any of you tried obtaining levamisole hydrochloride(camallanus worm killer) as a birdwormer (for canary,parrots,pidgeons,etc). I have just bought a bottle of Elliots bird wormer(in Aus) active constituent 12g/l levamisole hcl.I can't seem to be able to obtain it in any other form here . I currentlyam trying Sterazin on two wormy angels but I will have to finish the complete coarse to see if it works .
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