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Posts posted by Control

  1. Brianemone

    If you don't want to use a hang on of some kind you could make a small system of some type in the tank itself, in a corner maybe or along the top inside edge at the back with an acrylic canister of some kind to lift out the media or what ever you want to use.

    This would probably be the best if not the only way if you don't want anything on the outside.


    what happens if it goes sexual, this is a small simple system im guessing he doesnt plan to put a U.V on it.

    It is all the time but all of the nutriants are consumed in the srubber at a very high rate leaving nothing in the tank for any algae to consume.

    Also most true algae scrubbers are very large and cumbersome.

    No they are not, A turf scrubber is a turf scrubber, I think the ones that you are thinking of are the dump bucket type, However I have made some small ones of that type that measure 300mm x 150mm x 50mm.

    Also to be a true algae scubber the surface area should be nearly as large as the tanks

    Where on earth did you read that.


    It does not do the same thing as a protein skimmer by any means. It can't possibly.

    Dead write.

    Turf scrubbers remove amonia before it break down, urea, nitrates, nitrites, nitrogen, phoshates, phophorus, carbon, bicarbonate ions, metals and calcium. Calcium is the one drawback.

    They produce a high level of O2 saturated water increase the PH and produce allot of vitamins that are needed in a reef that nothing else produces.

    Protein skimmers do not discriminate and remove everything including the things that are needed, and they don't put anything back that is needed.

    Scrubbers have a high intensity Flourecent light about 25-50mm away from the algae which causes a highly accellerated growth rate.


    There is no doubt that algae/calurpa can take out some badness the same as a protien skimmer.

    Calurpa is not used in turf scrubbers at all and never will be, it is used in Refugiums which are a completly differant form of filtration.

    Also a skimmer is a more 'constant' export system. Calurpa systems have peeks and troughs.

    Turf scrubbers remove what is available,when it is available.

    Once again your talking about the wrong type of algae filter.

    Hence the excessive yellowing

    Yellowing is not caused by algae, it is caused by an imbalance in the ecology of the tank which could be a number of things.

    None of the tanks that I used scrubbers on were ever yellow, they were crystal clear


  2. It's another name for a fugee, full of algae

    Not even close.

    They do the same as a protein slimmer without taking all the good stuff out, they also put allot of things back in that the corals use.

    A skimmer uses air and a turf scrubber uses fast algae growth in a small controlled space.

    The algae is grown on a fibreglass mesh with a light over it in a small shallow that has constant flow over the it above the tank. They are very quite.

    I'm going to redo my daughters tank and put a thread in here on it, It will have a turf scrbber, and maybe a sump to increase volume but nothing else

    I just need to work out what shape to make the tank.


  3. It's cheap to get them regassed.

    I have considered putting a dryer in the line from a car to make it more efficiant.

    The sensor went in the Delonghi and the Delonghi service agent after I had read the instruction manuel to them couldn't fix it.

    Noel leemings who I purchaced it from wouldn't take any responcability for the piece of junk so I don't deal with either of them anymore.

    I must be able to get something out of it for what I paid for it.


  4. Think about what sort of activity you want in your sand.

    The coarser the better if you don't want any anairobic activity. But in saying that it depends on how deep you are going to make it.

    If you want the base to be anairobic go fine and deep.

    You can't just base this on looks, there are other things to consider.


  5. That could be a bit of a mission but if you succeed there would be a good market for it.

    Funny that you mentioned Kelly Tarlton I've just been talking to someone about a problem that they are having with there ozone system.


  6. Not good when that happens.

    I would like to suggest to everyone that you should running a uv on your quarantine tank to break the cycle of anything that may be introduced.

    it is also a good idea to run a uv on your main tank even if you only run it when you introduce the fish for a few weeks. they are the best way to break the life cycle in deseases if you don't use ozone.


  7. RnB

    Once again it depends on your system and what you have in it.

    If it is very efficiant 33% is not a problem in that time frame.

    If it is not very good then you can shock the system and inhabitants.

    Just take note of what it looks like before and after, if there is a noticable change then you need to increase frequincy.

    Higher frequincy is best but there is no point if it is not needed.


    However for a beginner stick to something like 1/4 change per fortnight or what Chimera said because you must learn what your system is doing what other people's tanks are doing has got nothing to do with yours.

    If you can get a large storage container, say 500-1000 litres and cycle the water so you have easy access to a good supply that is settled.

    I have a 1000 litre tank and I have found this method to be very good.

    Water from the ocean can vary allot.


  8. Chimera wrote

    contradicting yourself here aren't you control?

    No I'm not.


    Only do a 20% if it needs it

    Thats why it depends on his system.

    As I already said, it depends on his system and how he is running it.

    I also said to do more regular changes, I never said to wait for things to go wrong and then fix it later.

    Pies wrote

    More frequently, yes.

    Bigger, no it can shock the system and the inhabitants.


  9. What the other guys and girls are doing does not matter unless they have the same setup as you, every system has differant requirments.

    How good is your skimmer.

    There is nothing wrong with the amount your doing but it may not be neccesary.

    20% is fine if your system is not very good.

    Smaller amounts more often is best and will create the smallest amount of change to the inviroment.

    Only do a 20% if it needs it


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