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Everything posted by Hitchi2000

  1. In that case I think I have some already!!!! Thanks for that Cesar, I didn't know there was a way to tell with the females. Does the same hold true if you have no idea if there is sword in the line or not? My red mosaic male is breeding with a "sister" from the same mixed guppy tank. All of the female offspring from this pair (10 in the first drop) have markings on their tails, whereas the males (only 5 in the first drop) have plain tails at the moment. The drop was around the 10th August. Several of the adult males were swords and I have a heap of "brothers" that are also double swords! Thanks again for the info Cesar.
  2. Hey cesarz, Do you have any pics? How are all your other guppies going?? Ian :0)
  3. A guppy with a swordtail, the gene for which is carried on the X chromosome. Means that for the male to exhibit the swordtail trait he had to inherit it from his mother.
  4. Hi all, I'm looking for an x-linked swordtail guppy line for a breeding program I have in mind but I'm not even sure if there is such a line in NZ! Does anyone have one? or know if they are available? Thanks heaps, Take care, Ian :0)
  5. Hi all, I was lucky enough to pick up an lyretail male guppy on thursday as well as a nice yellow tailed female from the same tank. He has a grey body with coloured spots as well as black patches. His tail has black edges and yellow in the middle, as well as more dark spots. The female spat out babies today, so far I've found 10. What I'm wanting to know is how the lyretail gene(s) work? Is it recessive? dominant? sex-linked? I have some young (6 week old) virgin females that I am looking at breeding to him when they are old enough, they come from my mixed guppy community tank, and was wondering if I'm likely to get lyretails out of them first time out or if I'll have to back cross the offspring? Thanks heaps, Take care, Ian :0)
  6. Hey Rhys, These guys are looking awesome. How much longer til they are ready for shipping? Ian :0)
  7. I use large preserving jars for my boys. They sit in my guppy tanks and get heated that way. Have never had any issues of them jumping into the tanks etc (touch wood - have only had them like this for 5 weeks or so). My girls share a tank with a breeding group of guppies at present but will probably go back to the community tank soon. That way I can use the tank as a grow out (when I have a new tank for the guppies), I did see plans on the net a few years ago for dividing up a tank using the plastic embroidery canvas stuff. Looked like a really neat way of doing things as the water was still able to flow round etc.
  8. Looking good Rhys. How many did you get in the end??? Ian :0)
  9. This is Paddy who I got on St. Patrick's day. Showing the damage he sustained when I tried breeding him to a female that as turned out to be a Plakat male!!! This is the awesome male I got from Adrienne And this is his lovely sister (who he has spawned with but then ate the babies just before they hatched, retrying soon) I have a few other fighters - a Plakat male and a blue female. Ian
  10. Hi all, Just wondering what a platinum guppy is? I used to have some guppies that seemed to have a white/pastel 'wash' on them. It was quite shiny and looked cool. Were they Platinums? Thanks, Take care, Ian :0)
  11. Hi Mel, Thanks for that. WOW, that sounds impressive, and there was me thinking he was just a funky looking pet store fish!!! Heres another pic (showing the damage inflicted by his 'wife'). He certainly looks like the fish in the link you sent. Thanks again, Ian :0)
  12. Hi all, I picked Paddy up from LFS on Monday (St. Patrick's day, hence the name). I have no idea what colour he is. He looks like a cambodian with spots of red on his fins. Thought he could be a marble cambodian, butI really have no idea what he is. I'm planning to breed him to my dark red girl (small amount of blue in fins) and see what I get. Have tried them together a couple of times but she just keeps laying into him even though she is full of eggs. Any ideas? Take care, Ian :0)
  13. Hes gorgeous!!! If you do breed from him I'd be interested in getting a trio or so. Ian :0)
  14. I removed Sarge yesterday as the number of fry had dropped drastically from what looked about 100 (I did get up to 80 odd but gave up) to about 30-ish. Then this morning I noticed that there were babies in the trap with the parents. So Pinky and Sarge are in seperate dolmio jars in the tank with the kids just going horizontal. So far so good. In the past I have just left the fry to pretty much fend for themselves which is why they take almost 6 months to reach non-eatable size. And why I get so few to that size. :oops: This time I'm gnna feed them properly. Only problem is I'm moving on Saturday, fingers crossed things go ok. Right off to check to see if we got BBS yet. L8r, Ian :0D
  15. Hi guys, Thanks to those who helped out with my question on conditioning female betta. I got a beautiful male called Sarge last Tuesday. He is blue with green casts, and slight red as well. Well on Saturday evening I popped Pinky into the tank with Sarge (she had been in a trap in the same tank). Sunday morning they spawned! Pinky was popped back into the trap (I only have the one tank setup atm). Well I just checked and the eggs have hatched after only 36 hours. Sarge is doing a fantastic job of getting the bubs back into the nest (nest was kinda pathetic, maybe he'll do better next time). So yeah, I have baby fighters!!! Now I just gotta feed them. :roll: Take care, Ian :0D
  16. Had the Barry White and candles already setup, LOL. Started Pinky on daphnia the other day and added some mozzy wrigglers to her diet. She has hardly touched her second lot of daphnia from yesterday, actually surprised they are still alive as they usually die off over nite (or so I have found). She did however take a nice big wriggler this morning. And she has her duct thingee hangin out already! I still don't have a male, wasn't able to get to the store this weekend so Pinky will have to wait a couple more days til I can. Of course if she is anything like her aunty she will build a bubblenest and lay eggs all by herself. Has anyone else noticed solo females doing this? Take care, Ian :0D
  17. Hey guys, In the past my betta breeding has been a bit of hit and miss but this time I want it to go as right as possible. I have a female from my last spawning - Pinky (pink and blue multicolour) - that I want to breed from. Don't have a male yet but I saw a REALLY nice solid royal blue yesterday. How should I condition Pinky? I have access to safe, clean daphnia, is that a good to give her? I am setting up an infusoria cluture today to see if it works, previously the fry were just in a really large tank with natural infusoria - but as I said, this time I wanna do it right. Any advice greatly appreciated, Thanks heaps, Ian :0D in Taranaki
  18. Hi guys, I'm looking to join the T.A.P.S. and have just spoken to Val Smith about going to the AGM and auction tomorrow evening. I would love to attend but there is just one problem - I am in Opunake and don't drive! Is there anyone from my area going to the AGM? Thanks heaps, Ian :0D
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