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Everything posted by seahorses

  1. hi there i always do gravel clean when cleaning tank set up about 6 to 8 months i also every now and then move the bark or rocks so i can clean under them it has a undergravel filter plus a fluval 3 internal filter running whwn fish seen dead no marks that i can remember alive one day dead the next not even whitespot
  2. thanks for replys they where all in a 4 foot tank with a blind cave fish some small tetras and a couple of discus and 3x corys the britlenose where a good size you could male from female ph is 6.7 water changes done ever 2 weeks all other fish r ok
  3. about 6 of my bristlenose have died plus 1x bronze cory in the same tank as the clown loaches have just read it may have been the clowns that killed them is this right and has anybody else had this problem
  4. i have had fun today i now have 4foot 9x electric yellows 6x colbots 1x female electric blue and 4x auraturs in 3foot 5x ice blues 10x electrics in 2 foot 5x ice blues and a bonus when changeing 4foot found my male brisltenose with eggs
  5. thanks for that reply now i am ready with the thinking cap on the 3 ft tank is 90x38x50 all fish r still young except for female electric blue was only going to grow them up and then keep only a few of each will the electric blue be ok with the colbolts and yellows apart from the colbolts and yellows will also look at offers to sell or swap for other fish i do have other tanks i can add the fish to to separate
  6. what would you suggest i have a 4ft tank set up with malawis and a lge 3 ft at the moment i have 5x elcetric yellows 6x colbolt blues 4x aurutras 5x ice blues these are in the 4 foot still young and in the 3 foot 10x electras 4x electric yellows 1x female electric blue 5x ice blues should i put all yellows and colbots plus 5x electras in the 4 foot and the rest in the 3 foot or whats a mix as dont want to croos breed any ideas would be great thanks
  7. seahorses

    tank mates

    a person on here recommended this site and i find every now and again i love to use it the sute is http://www.timstropicals./Compatibility ... esults.asp
  8. thanks guys for reply tank has been running for about 6 months will give a go and fingers crossed
  9. have just got some new plants question is is it best to do a gravel clean first or should i plant the new plants then do a gravel clean any help is more than welcome
  10. thanks for that thought i was doing so well first wrong section now i got this far will have a go heres hoping
  11. wow i thick i got it can anybody help id my cidhlid also tell me if any r hybrids also r they ok in the same tank first one is yellow with a very fine line on black on tailhttp://s126.photobucket.com/albums/p108/ghostknife_album/th_yellowmalawi.jpghttp://s126.photobucket.com/albums/p108/ghostknife_album/th_yellowandblackmalawi.jpg third one i call cowface this one is also a baby but like mum
  12. can anybody help me id my chiclids or tell me if the r hybrids also should they be in the same tank help plez
  13. after all the response the person concerned hasnt replyed yet or maybe they have i do feel sorry for ALL the trusting people out there that did buy and now they may have lost all or r tearing their tanks apart because of it and how does one know before buying maybe we can use this to help others to learn whats illegal and whats not as i would have no idea and when buying plants i offen use topica maybe someone can offer a site just for nz heres hoping
  14. just wondering if any help on rasing babies have got a few but r the slow growing as mine r about 2 months old and grow slower than my kribs they r in a 3foot x 30x30 or is some thing im doing please help
  15. the tank is 90x45x46 but they r all young not 6 months old yet
  16. does anybody know if u can have 4 young lamprologus lyretails in with 5 young malawis or will the malawis attack them also do i have to change tank around thanks
  17. seahorses


    thanks 4 the replys and a good laugh yr right i may just have to part with these one was just brought second hand teach me a leason thanks
  18. seahorses


    does any body now if heaters that have thermos on can be repaired i have about 4 that light comes on heater comes on 4 about 4 mins then turns off can anything be done thanks
  19. thanks guys must be a big headache but will keep hoping one day ill have none next i wont know what to do i have about 4 pairs at the moment thanks again
  20. hi sorry about this new to this the filter is under gravel with two lge uplifts plants r artifical light normal fish tank light but not on much fruit salad gravel ph is 7.5 temp is about 26 all is about the same as my other tank that had a pair in which is a community one and they breed in there ok
  21. sorry about that got lost in the moment they r kibs but thanks 4 asking me i hope somebody can help
  22. can anybody please help i have a 4 foot tank set up with pots and caves i have 2 males and two adults which have paired up also have 6 young females riping up the two pairs have their own pots dance in front of each other hide but have not breed yet i have changed the water once a week have tryed adding cold water have been in this tank 4 about 6 mouths i have also had other pair in a community tank that have since had babies what can i do please help
  23. hi thanks 4 that i hope it works have just had mollie have babys but was in breeding net
  24. hi has anybody used the matting for breeding tanks if so is it best on bottem or top can anybody help me its the type u buy in the 2 dollor shops thanks :lol: :-? :roll:
  25. thanks 4 replys it only holds about 8 litres so may just leave empty thanks again
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