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Posts posted by treehugga

  1. Update

    The man was visited by an SPCA inspector, One oscar has been placed in another tank and arrangements are being made for housing the others.

    A follow up visit will occur on monday.

    Apparently he "didnt know how big they got".

    So what was the Size control thing about then?

  2. Its a catch 22, if some newbie bought that could you imagine a

    more depressing introduction to the hobbie?

    I see that as absolutely no different to keeping to many cows in a paddock, to many dogs in a kennel, to many birds in an aviary ( you get the picture.

    Someone has probably sold him that setup and they should be shot too.

    But in this age of information there is no excuse for not taking responsibility for learning about a pets needs.

    How hard is it to go to google and type in "oscars" :roll:

    Someone was so upset about it that the spca has been informed along with trademe and it is being investigated, this person has promised to let me know what happens.

    Im not a militant fishkeeper, but that pushed the envelope to far for me and a few others. Thats absolutely the worst situation involving oscars that I have ever seen. :evil:

    There I think ive finaly got that of my chest.

  3. yup, theres no way he could do enough work to keep the water parameters in check there are not enough hours in the day!

    The sad fact is every 2nd visit I make to hollywood I see the results of some idiot like this trying to keep fish without doing the slightest bit of research on their needs.

    I bet they get sick of seeing all these poor fish come through the door!

    These fish need rescuing, anyone who pays $250 needs their head read.

    I wonder what he would keep a betta in, a shotglass?

  4. I agree snowman, this guy cares very little about the fish.

    I cant believe people are bidding.

    His answer to my question was that he was "trying to control their size to fit in the current tank" !!!!!! :evil:

    A 1 yr old oscar at 20cm is stunted. poor fish. :cry:

    This guy should try living in a closet for a year and see how he likes it.

    He shouldnt even be allowed to keep guppies.

  5. thanks, sorry I forgot to mention that I moved the decorations around last night thinking that might help but he was very focused on the other fish.

    they have settled down now.

  6. Ive had these 2 albino oscars since they were 2 inches now they are 8 inches, about a month ago they started digging 2 pits and have done alot of tail slapping locking jaws etc since. Over the past week one has definately showed to be dominant. In the last 48 hours this has become a problem with the weaker one bailed up in the corner of the tank (6ft) and the stronger either standing sentry or swimming away and returning to headbutt and bite the other. Has anybody had this problem before? and did the fish go on to breed succesfully?

    The fish thats being picked on looks sad :cry:

    They have not been aggressive to one another before.

    any ideas would be great


  7. Hi VCH , We only have one blood parrot cichlid it is a hybrid ,to be exact Heros Labiatus X H. Severus ( Red Devil/Severum) and dont worry it would take a sledgehammer to hurt my feelings.

    We were both stating our opinions that is healthy. I didnt misunderstand at all and knew which fish you were reffering to, in future I will refer to all my fish with their scientific names which I admit will eliminate all confusion exept totally confuse those that dont know them, I was trying to keep my intro simple hence the common names but it was an oversite not to clarify "red" parrot, please accept my appologies if I came on to strong I certainly didnt mean to upset you..

    "Polly" :roll: the parrot , gets around the tank very well and eats well and does not seem to worse for wear considering its "Deformed appearance"

    Thankyou for the acknowledgement of my welcome im sure we may have some great discussions in the future.


  8. hi, Ive had mixed results with jewels while the odd one was placid most of them terrorised anything close to their size, they learned to respect the oscars tho ;)

    I kept a breeding pair in a species only tank and they are exellent parents they are much more aggresive when looking after the "kids"

    nice looking fish tho.

  9. Hi and welcome , although im a bit new myself I share the passion for cichlids of all kinds. Must politely disagree on the parrots tho . We have one and it is one of the most delightful fish we have, whilst I have concerns about people who breed these hybrids If I can give one a good home and a good life, then it can only be win win for the fish.

    I hope we can share experiences, I am keen to add to my knowledge of cichlids.

    cheers and again welcome.

  10. Hi new to the site but not to fishkeeping, I have been directed to the site by a current member who I met via trademe.

    I hope to meet likeminded people and share info etc.

    my current tanks are.

    4-2-2ft - Breeding pair of jags

    3ft - Approx 100-150 baby jags

    3ft tall - Breeding pair severums

    6ft tall - "rouge" tank pair oscars, parrot, sev , plec, upsidedown

    catfish,3 Dollies and several young convicts.

    3ft tall - mixed tank clown loaches, knife fish, tyre track eel,

    Bolivian rams, bristlenoses

    2ft - 3 blue rams, 2 bristlenoses

    3ft - 80-100 baby severums

    30l small tank housing 1 crown tail betta

    My interests mainly surround large cichlids but I am keen to learn more about and keep malawis.

    So nice to meet you all I think I will be spending a lot of time here ,when i am not changing water that is ;)

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