Hi new to the site but not to fishkeeping, I have been directed to the site by a current member who I met via trademe.
I hope to meet likeminded people and share info etc.
my current tanks are.
4-2-2ft - Breeding pair of jags
3ft - Approx 100-150 baby jags
3ft tall - Breeding pair severums
6ft tall - "rouge" tank pair oscars, parrot, sev , plec, upsidedown
catfish,3 Dollies and several young convicts.
3ft tall - mixed tank clown loaches, knife fish, tyre track eel,
Bolivian rams, bristlenoses
2ft - 3 blue rams, 2 bristlenoses
3ft - 80-100 baby severums
30l small tank housing 1 crown tail betta
My interests mainly surround large cichlids but I am keen to learn more about and keep malawis.
So nice to meet you all I think I will be spending a lot of time here ,when i am not changing water that is