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Everything posted by Rusty

  1. yeah i rang them the other day they only had a couple and i needed to get some numbers back so i just got 4 females and 2 males from wainui but i need some nice colored once not jsut plane although one of my males looks cool yellow tale and sorty like and elbino body color looks quite cool looking
  2. I got 1xmale bristle nose and 2 sucker cat fish in there about 3 weeks the 4 fish i got from the lower hutt store have died
  3. hmmm ph at 7 on the dot and amonia at 0 ;/ something else must be up
  4. Hi im about to do a Ph and Amonia test on my guppy tank just wondering what would be the norm for both of these just trying to explain the loss of a few fish Cheers
  5. Rusty

    Guppy deaths

    lol if only i could ;/
  6. Rusty

    Guppy deaths

    Hi im from wellington too iv had 2 of my nice new females that i got from lower hutt pet shop die, but all my old ones that i started with (cept one really old female) are fine then again it could be somethin from lower hutt ;o all my fry and younglings are fine too so im not quite sure about it ;/
  7. Rusty

    A challenge

    Thanks for the great ideas i managed to get them all into the small fry tank i done a water change to to make it easier but when i was emptying the bucket of water out i noticed there were little worm like things swimming in it any ideas on what these are?
  8. Rusty

    A challenge

    Hi, I got home from work today to discover about 15 new guppy fry in my tank must have been 2/3 drops since i only have a small population 7 adults 4 female 3 male and about 8 youngsters just wondering what to feed them i got a small fry tank for them all ready to go. Also how do i catch the little buggers lol there to fast for me i want to try keep them all if pos cause a want to get a bigger community tank sometime in the near future. Cheers.
  9. Hi i have a tank of guppies at home but i got home from work today to find one of my females swimming on her side iv done a water change and treatment just wondering if thats enough?
  10. awsome thanks for that yeah Billaney gave me a nice floating plant which they hide in alot any tips on growing brine shrimp? club sounds good
  11. Newbie here just gotmy self a tank got everything going good fish at the moment 2x male guppies 3x female guppies 1x bristle nose cat well after a week of having my tank my guppies have had some babies just wondering how long do they take to come out of hiding in my floating plant, also how low after hacthing do they start colouring. Thanks.
  12. Rusty


    Indeed I did. Looks good here lots of info and freindly people.
  13. Rusty


    hehe thanks for warm welcome. Yea wainuiomata for the win!
  14. Rusty


    Hi, My name is Matt from wainuiomata, though I would come say hi. Just getting into this thanks to Mr. Billaney for getting me interested.
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