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  1. Tofigh

    Killies wanted

    Hi, I am based in Auckland. fundulopanchax australe, clowns and Lyretail are the species I have seen a few times and What I will be interested in.
  2. Tofigh

    Killies wanted

    I have been keeping fish for a few decades, mostly bettas and live bearers. I would like to start keeping Killies, I am not sure what is available in NZ so thought, I will post here and see what is available. Thanks
  3. thanks Ryan, can you send me the details please? Tofigh
  4. hi, i have a new 2.2 meter long fish tank, i would like to set up. this was build for me by a proffessional 4 years ago but never got set up. i now want to set it up as a Discus tank but i am not confident and dont have the time. can you please refer me to a proffessional in Auckland who can help me set up the tank? can call me on 021411073.
  5. Thanks for the feedback from all. Yes I have had discuss but I have had them in a tank without any sand or plans. As this is going to be a display tank I want to have the sand. once the plants have established themselves, how do you clean the tank without disturbing the roots?
  6. Hi Guys ad Girls. I am settin up my new Discus tank and I need some advice on what type of pebbles to use in the tank. I want to set it up with lots of plants and it is a large tank 2.5 meters. Any advise or pictures to help with the decisssion or where I can get the bepples at a good price will be appritiated. Thanks in advance TA :bounce:
  7. Hi Everyone I have very large empty tank that has been sitting for a while and I can see there is some resedue dried on the glass. I can't get ride of it with normal cleaning Does anybody know how I can clean the glass without scratching it? Thanks T
  8. Tofigh

    Mad Discus

    I acutally live in Auckland. I do have discuss and that is how I treat them as well. I just did not want to give advise before ndrestanding what you have done first. You are right, discuss are jumpy but once they settle down, they are very good and relaxed. you have to stop introducing new fish to the tank. that will definalty have an effect. The size of the fish is also important, I have simmilar size fish in the same tank and it helps and of course it also depends what other fish you have in the tank as well. I have only discuss now and some Bristolnose. Good luck with the fish. Regards Tofigh
  9. Tofigh

    Mad Discus

    How did you treat the bacteria?
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