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Everything posted by Vanquish

  1. wonder how much profit they'll make on it, i reckon they'll sell it for $40+?
  2. how much did that beast cost you? i got myself a Red Spot Pleco from Animates in Lower Hutt, for $19.95, its i say its cause i have no idea atm, if its a male or female, 1.5 inches to 2 inches long looks like a crutie atm but will grow big hahah my clown loach was being a dork, lieing on its side, with the shark investigating it
  3. thanks guys i now know i can fill my tank up abit higher
  4. 450mm high 396mm deep 1001mm long i measured one of the long planes and found it a VERY tiny amount under 6mm thick i had the tank originally made, and the top pieces of glass holding it were inside the tank, ie. not sitting on the top like they are now, i fillled the tank up and the middle piece fell in, resulting in buldging glass, which was RATHER scarey, but they remade the tank for me, they said it wasn't them who made it, but it was, so dad talked to them and i didn't have to pay for it again the glass holding things are NOW sitting on TOP of the tank, i hope this is stronger, anyway cheers for the help if you guys could work this out for me thanks Vanquish/Julian
  5. Hi Guys, i've got a 3ft long tank(1m), think its 400mm deep by 450mm high, have to measure with a ruler, dont have one atm anyway, how high should i fill my tank up?, high enough so that it looks right to the eye? 2-3 inchers from the top?, i have a fear of the thing bursting if too high , i dont want that. so yeah what is everyones advice on levels of tank water? please help, thanks in advance
  6. sorry to hijack thread, but i've got a bala shark and 1 clown loach, they tend to bicker abit, but on the whole seem fine, is this a bad combo? doesn't seem like it so far
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