Hi everybody
For a long time I have thought that I was one of only a few fish 'crazy' people! But now I see that I'm not alone...there are quite a few others by the looks of this site.
I have been kepping tropical fish for about 4 or so years, and I now have 4 running tanks at home, and one small one at work. I have a large 600l tank with SAmerican Cichlids, and a 200l tank with 3 parrots, and a 240l & 160l litre tank with a number of discus.
Discus are my thing really, but it took a number of years of learning and reading before I decided to give it a go. 2 years on and things are going well.
I'm hoping that there will be lots of knowledgeable people in here who can give me advise when and where needed. I will be moving into a new home soon, and I will be expanding my tanks with time (and funds!) and going into discus almost exclusively.
Look forward to talking with you all.
(PS: If you have a chance to go to Butterfly Creek in Manukau, you should. The butterflies are cool, but there African Cichlids tanks are awesome...if a bit overstocked!)