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Posts posted by absynthe

  1. the largest of the three has developed a slight pink with blue tips, the two smaller appear to be apricot. the dad, Thor, died a few days ago...I still cant figure out what he died from. I'm glad I've got his bubbies to carry on his name!

  2. The bubs are growing really well, two are 1cm now (incl tail) and are starting to show the first signs of colour. the father is a light cream/apricot so I'm not worried if the colour doesnt pick up! I just aquired two crowntail cream females..will attempt a spawn with the cream veiltail when I get back from oz.

  3. I've separated the male with hurricane glass as I have no where else to move him. the babies seem to have perked up since the water change.. how often should I change the water, and what is the best temp to keep the water at? its at 28deg c at the mo. cheers for the tips

  4. I was just cleaning my opaque celophane's small tank after 3 unsuccessful attempts to spawn (first on xmas day - my male ate all of the bubs as soon as they hatched. 2nd try - empty death rolls so gave female a week or so to recover, 3rd try she released the eggs with no fertilization.) I took out the plants and started vaccuming out the crap when I spotted a tiny baby! at first I thought it was dead but when dad came near it darted away. I then found 2 more babies, one a lot smaller than the other 2 (biggest including tail is 5mm). I have no idea how they could have survived the first spawning as I did a complete clean after that...?? I'm fairly baffled!!! plus I havent been feeding them as I didnt know they existed, and the water was pretty bad! Can someone tell me how fast they grow and how big they should be at certain times, maybe I can work out how old they are? thanks in advance!

  5. cool

    so...I am arranging the importation of 2 - 4 bettas, what would I have to go through to ensure that they arrive? (forms and so forth). I have heard that whatever MAF do to them they usually die, is this true?? (sounds a bit bogus). also, what are the costs that you mentioned in the previous post? thanks a lot, I need someone to clarify a few things for me!

  6. whats the deal with importing? I read the MAF pages and they hold the fish in quarantine for 6 weeks and use a chlorine based disinfectant on them...would that not kill them? If someone could run through the proceedure with me that would be excellent...having a very hard time getting through to the office! thanks

  7. No I wasnt looking at the shells...they were floating. The BS hatched, swam around like mad for a while in big swarms at the bottom. I went to the supermarket and by the time I got back they were lifeless at the bottom, no movement!

    can someone confirm if seawater can be used, or if it needs to be treated before using? cheers

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