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Everything posted by Cath

  1. Cath

    Playful fish

    I felt privilaged today to witness fish at play! MY two julii catfish, 2 panda cats, 2 flying foxes and numerous neons were actually playing in the airstone bubbles. I only put it on briefly each day as it is a bit turbulent but I was amazed to watch first the cats swimming into the base of the bubbles and let themselves be carried up to the top and out then the flying foxes join in doing crazy acrobatics through the bubbles and finally the school of about 20 neons and glowlights tentatively giving it a go. It was hillarious and not the sort of behaviour one normally expects from 'mere'fish! Unfortunately as I watched one of my nutter abbysinnian cats jumped up onto the glass, shttered it and fell into the tank. Noone was hurt thank god except said cats' pride. That will teach her! :lol:
  2. Thanks People, I figured there can't be too much wrong as they look so happy racing around together. Cheers Cath
  3. Hi there, I've just bought a pair of Blue rams and added them to the tank. Anything I read and the guys at the shop said that they tended to be shy. Well, these two certainly are not shy. They are out a about zooming around the tank, enjoying the plants and caves and they just look very happy indeed. ONe thing I noticed though and wondered if anyone can shed light on this. They seem to intensify their colour on and off - are THEY doing this or is it a trick of the light. One moment they'll be reasonably pale and the next as bright blue/purple as you can get. I noticed their colour intensified all over once I got them into the tank - they were quite pale in the shop. Is this a breeding thing? They really are fascinating little fish. Cheers and thanks
  4. Hi There Dubbie, I got the plants safely! Thank you so much. I have attached it to a flat rock by a hair net and it is growing swimmingly well. It looks great too. Thanks again Cheers Cath
  5. I had a male and a female fighter in my community tank for over a year. They did fabulously well. It was heavily planted and they built lots of nests and laid many eggs which got eaten. The fish I had were - 2 dwarf gouramis, neons, guppies, catfish, bristlenoses, glowlights, swords. None of these bothered the fighters. I got rid of Angel fish and Platies because they did hastle the fighters. The ratio for fighters is supposed to be 1 male and 2 females but make sure you have a fairly large tank with plenty of hiding places. Cheers
  6. The problem with the sharks is they are beautiful looking fish and are sold quite small but most of them grow rapidly and end up being very big fish. Evrytime I see a red tailed or black shark I long to get one but even thought my tank is 80cm +40cm I think there is just not enough room. I prefer small fish in big tank so they can play. For what it's worth
  7. I had a Pakastani loach (silver and black) who did a great job munching the snails. He was never a problem with the other fish, it was the angels I had to get rid of - so much for the name, they are the baby killers from hell! Cheers
  8. Cath

    Adolfo's cory

    Thanks Guys, I managed to get a couple of dear little cats similar to the leopard cats, very pretty markings today at the new Hastings shop which has a great selection of fish! Having just reset up my tank after an absence of a few months these and a small herd of neons, 1 siamese alage eater and 2 baby bristle noses are the first fish to arrive and very pleased with themselves they looked too when they all swam about getting to know each other and checking out the plants and the rocks etc. What fun! Cheers Cath
  9. Cath

    Adolfo's cory

    Thanks for that, what a shame they are so hard to get. If you have any luck with your breeding program, let me know I'd be interested in seeing how you get on and perhaps if they breed a pile, buying some off you Cheers
  10. You guys are so great thank you so much for your time in replying! I will tell my firends about this, as I share the same water system I am interested in the in the possible leaching of fertiliser - hadn't thought of that, I've just set up my tank so will be keeping a good eye on this to see if I get it too. Tell me, where can I get the siamese algae eaters? Sounds like one of my cats except he's a siamese rabbit eater. Cheers Cath
  11. Cath

    Adolfo's cory

    Does anyone know if you can get them in NZ and if so where? Cheers Cath
  12. Hi there, Friends of mine have a tank which looks stunning - well planted, lots of fish, clear water etc but they are plagued by a black hairy algae. They do frequent water changes - as they are in the country they use well water. Any ideas what it might be and how they can get rid of it short of using chemicals or emptying the whole tank and steralising it? Any fish eat this stuff? Cheers Cath
  13. Wow this is an enthusiastic group! Thanks for your welcome messages! I emailed pegasus through his own web site to ask for help with my angel fish - I thought my angel was coming down with something but it looks like she is being broody, she has designated one patch of the tank as her area and seems to be gaurding it against intruders. I did not think she would breed as A. it is a community tank and B. I only purchased two small angels but there you go, I think Pegasus is right. Still can't see the eggs but my tank is so heavily planted they could be anywhere. does anyone have any advice on what to expect and how I can help them - does this mean I have to get another tank (oh no )....
  14. Hi there, I'm new to the fish thing - had my tropical fish set up for around 4 months now and all going well! This is a suprise as the last time I tried this about 20 years ago it was a disaster however this time I did some research - it really helps! and the fish inmates are as happy as fish can be and so am I. Now I want another tank etc etc so it goes!
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