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Everything posted by Agua

  1. A small internal UV filter will get rid of algal blooms pretty quick i got one on trademe for $30 dollars and only need to use it on occasion. For water clarity i use a product called Purigen by seachem, some activated carbon would work too.
  2. looking to stock an empty tank with a pair of CA cichlids, will start off with a group of 6 juveniles and grow them out till a pair forms which i'll keep. The tank is set up and ready to go just cant find any of the fish im after, if you know of anyone with juveniles available (or in the making) please let me know. im interested in: Hericthys carpintis - green texas, pearlscale Cichlasoma festae - red terror Nandopsis tetracanthus - cuban Vieja synspilum - redhead Amphilophus Citrinellus - midas Amphilophus labiatus - red devil Hoplias psitticus - true parrot Amphilophus trimaculatus - trimac Hypselecera temporalis- chocolate cichlid cheers
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