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Everything posted by Gizzygirl

  1. :lol: Never a dull moment then in Tara?
  2. I live on the Westside but away out the back, you could call me a hayseed 8) we sleep with the windows open at night Do you?
  3. Could be that my one`s a 1500 might be the difference in $$
  4. Running an old shaft in it at the mo, hope I don`t stuff it :-?
  5. True by the way zenia growing well
  6. I don`t no why but the shaft on mine snaped to, never mind Murray`s got me a new one :lol: just got to get through to pick it up and pay the $
  7. Get a good size bucket or bin something to sit it on outside your window small airline tube with tap, top up your sump every 3 or 4 days.Just don`t forget to turn the tap off
  8. Got myself 2 green chromis well it`s a start big $$$$ come next if this tank works out well for me.
  9. Shot through to Hamilton after work went to Pet World. We have a pet shop in Huntly but he sells only Goldfish, plus a few things for Tropical.
  10. Hi Fay, that would be great if you could tell me where to get a DI unit, Wasp no sorry lived in Huntly all my life. I Just picked up 2 hardy fish today so hope they go ok, still in bag have just added some water from my tank to them.
  11. Thankyou to all who helped me understand alittle more . A rolling stone gathers no moss, but a sitting hen wears the feathers off it`s ---
  12. Sorry for being so dumb, but what is a DI unit? And where do I get one?
  13. So will it be ok to put fish in it now or should I still wait? Don`t want to kill them. We have no filter system on our tap water.
  14. Yes my tap water is from rain and nothing is added to our water. I`m out the back of Huntly rural.
  15. Well it looks like I will have to just play the WAITING game , if all else fails change water and wait some more :roll: . LOL Could it be that rain water is not as good as the Mighty Waikato River water :lol:
  16. No fish yet, nitrite sitting on 0.25 or just alittle under. I`m new to marine thought that i would give it a go as I have 4 tropical tanks.
  17. The tank runs it`s own filter system (wool & noddles) I have change 1 bulb to a blue marine and I`ve put a small skimmer in tank not sure if it will do any good.
  18. Hi, I have change my Aquaone 620 tank to a salt water one, it has now been cycling for 8 weeks with coral rock in it (4 small pieces) I`m on rain water so nitrite level was 0 ppm on set up, at 3weeks it was between 0.25 & 0.50 going down to 0.25. and just sat on that for 3 weeks. I have done a 25% and 15% water change after 6 weeks but it goes back up to the 0.25 in 2 days. The PH is 8.2 and has not altered.
  19. Just had a look at your pics of Your tanks. GREAT shots of the Fry with their Mum & Dad ideal pics for them that have not seen Discus Fry before.
  20. Thanx heaps Guys, I will have ago in the weekend I start back at work tomorow after 6 weeks holidays, not looking forward to it but love the $$ which means more fish . Gizzy
  21. Hi Alan, I found a chip on the bottom of the tank looks as though someone tryed to fix it before but left the chipped bit of glass still in the repair, I have removed this so will give a repair job ago. Gizzy
  22. Thankyou Bill, I just brought this tank secondhand filled it up and found out that it leaked ( all over my carpet ). It would have saved a lot of hassles if the people had told me it had a leak or it might still have one, that way I would have filled it outside first. Cheers Jean
  23. Hi, Anyone out there able to tell what sort of silicon to use on my tank and if there`s any differents in the ones from a hardware shop Thanks
  24. Gizzygirl


    I`m new also, don`t they just make you feel so welcome here. Best of luck setting up your new tank
  25. Gizzygirl

    HI 2 All

    Well I have added 2 Bristle nose cats & 1 Pelco to my tank today, while at Pet City I had a look at their Discus his mate`s are Cardinal Tetras. I have been testing my tank for PH it`s sitting around the 7.2 mark, for a laugh I tested my tap water just to see what the PH was, as we are on tank water PH 7.0. Cheers to All Gizzy Ps How do I get to the Chat room?
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