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Everything posted by guppylover2
compact fluorescent lighting and heat produced
guppylover2 replied to guppylover2's topic in Technical
thanks for the photos! awesome tank! and love the cat on top. at tthe moment i am only using my lights when i am home coz am worried about the heat causing fire. heat of light fixture less with fan on but noisy. i keep the top of the lid off (wooden lid) to reduce heat. only have one real plant at this stage as want to tear down tank and start again, with soil substrate, CO2 etc. so just playing at the moment. with lights on for only 4 hours a day sometimes, java sword is definitely still thriving!. because of the shape of my tank (bowfront) i have 2 96 watt lights. -
continuous water change system? now that sounds great!
compact fluorescent lighting and heat produced
guppylover2 replied to guppylover2's topic in Technical
how high off the cover glass do you have them? -
compact fluorescent lighting and heat produced
guppylover2 replied to guppylover2's topic in Technical
thanks dubbie boy. so you think vents cut into the hood could let out some of the light? my light fixture is all-in-one i.e. not just bulbs, but comes with a reflective hood, fan etc. i think you could use it without an aquarium hood but i like to use one so my cats don't walk on the covering glass sheet, plus the light would get so hot they could burn their paws! -
hi there needed to increase wattage of light for large tank to grow plants so bought some compact fluorescent lights from USA and step down transformer. all good, very powerful light, but they do produce more heat than standard wussy bulbs! mine comes with a fan, quite noisy however, and i think am going to have to get a new hood made if i use these lights as my current one with minimal clearance over light started to bow slightly with heat. am thinking of getting new one made, higher, and maybe with side bits cut out so more air circulation. is a bowfront tank, 300 L, will be great when all up and running. anyone had similar problems? any ideas?
hi there just wondering if could keep female betta with angelfish. will definitely separate male betta from everything else in partition. xmas greetings.
?constipated - large protrusion from just under chin
guppylover2 replied to guppylover2's topic in Anabantoids
the swelling went down, but still there. the anus used to be further behind, now it's moved 9if that is what it is) in front. do you think it is constipation? -
hi there thought my betta must have a hernia or tumour or something - one day just under the chin something was sticking out, got bigger and bigger, until today seems to be exruding something - like poo - only very big and only very slowly coming out. almost looks like zit with head on it if you know what i mean, except i think the light coloured ?poo stuff is actually starting to come thru. anyway, this betta is a guts, and i know i probably overfeed. if it is constipation, how can i avoid it? my betta doesn't eat vegies (i've tried courgette in tiny pieces), any only likes bloodworm, frozen discus tucker, and occasionally a little betta flake. any suggestions?
meant to say it's a betta with finrot
hi there have a bad case of finrot, melafix/warm water/salt not helping. neosulfex meant to be excellent. my LFS doesn't have this however. so i am trying furan 2, the only antibiotic they have. does anyone know how i could get hold of neoulfex?
does anone know where i can get some neosulfex? meant to be good at getting rid of finrot
not sure if all of my plecs like the tank that warm. and one of the fighters is in the CATFISH tanks! (i.e. another passion of mine is catfish, they are not just there to suck debris off the bottom). it says to use the whitespot cure now and in 3 days time. what do you guys do? thanks for input
what is happening? fin was healing well, unfortunately now has whitespot so am treating for that. then today came home to find all fins frayed, looking less like finrot and more like trauma. fish by himself, all fins frayed. could he be biting them? even dorsal fin? or can it still be finrot? still treating with melafix and now with whitespot cure. help!
temp in large 75 gallon tank is about 26 to 28 degrees, other tanks with siameses fighters in them 25-28 degrees
think babies must have died - havn't seen them for ages. my water quality went off when i hadn't cleaned my filter for ages. havn't seen them since.
hi there, i had a guppy just recently did the exact same thing. soon after delivery it was like she had a prolapsed intestine or something. it went back in by itself, then out again later. then she got fuzzy stuff on her when my water quality went off, looked like she was going to die. is looking all droopy and twisted - as they do when they get old. now got whitespot, no-one else in tank had it. put her down, looking pretty unwell.
sorry, just to clarify: yes to treat the rest of my tank where no-one else is sick? is malachite green bad for clown loaches? and if whitespot is in the water all the time, and i remove the one sick fish and rest are ok, why do i then have to treat the whole tank?
another question: does whitespot normally live in the tank and then just attack if immunity is low?
hi there just got my first outbreak of whitespot. i think an aging female guppy wth lowered resistance has caught it first, then gave it to my betta. the betta were already moved to their individual tanks, so i'm treating them there. my question is: once i remove my guppy from the main tank, as none of the other fish seem to have it, should i still treat the whole tank? i am concerned because apparently malachite green can be bad for clown loaches, and i have three large ones i love, so i'd rather not treat if i didn't have to. also is whitespot cure bad for plecs? i have some in the tank with the betta. very annoyed!
hi there thanks very much for the replies. rang one plastics company and they were very helpful, will make whatever i want will definitely put them in separate areas of the tank, with females (whenever they arrive) between them. now i have put the bettas back in separate tanks, out of main tank, as they were looking bored in the breeder traps and i figured the fin rot on one was from dirty plec poo on bottom of tank. so put plecs in main tank and betta has 10 gallon jebo to himself. after giving them beautiful clean water, nice warm tanks, sole occupancy what do they reward me with? whitespot! am so annoyed. i reckon, like the guppies we get in the shops, bettas are so inbred that they have poor health and get sick very easily. the rest of my fish are fine apart from the odd death. what do you guys reckon?
hi there recently got into bettas. am now so addicted am wanting to change the occcupants of my 75 gallon tank to accomodate lots of bettas! have currently got two male bettas in separate floating breeder traps in the communal tank. they were previously in separate aquariums sharing only with plecs, but it got so cold here (wellington) that the temp dipped down below 25 degrees celsius in their tanks despite heaters coz the room they are in is cold and not heated, also their tanks were smaller hence less able to hold temp. my main reason for moving them was that i suspected finrot esp in one, which i put down to cold room plus prob dirty water in the smaller tank (plecs) despite 50% water change (10 gallon) every week. prob fins being dragged along bottom of tank where catfish poo is wasn't good. so anyway, thought move to cleaner, larger warmer tank with more water to keep all parameters better, in lounge where there is more socializing with us humans. those breeder traps obviously too small, so looking at ways to do divided tank. my overall plan is to convert this tank to planted, with CO2 and everything, keep the clown loaches, couple plecs (latter will go in larger tank later) glass catfish, and want to get lots of betta females (when they finally arrive in pet stores) but get cool divided system going to separate 2 males from everyone else, have their own kingdom, and only mix with females at breeding time. i really want some sort of divided system, just not sure how to go about it. coz my tank is a bowfront, thought of cool radiating plastin compartment with holes for filtration. difficult to describe. the overall volume would be prob 10 gallons i guess. want to get someone is plastic company to make it for me maybe, coz i'm not to DIY and have little time. or maybe could make it myself. sorry this is so long. any thoughts? really want to give my boys a good home. also have been using melafix for the finrot, read about proper antibiotics, where do you get them from? appreciate any thoughts.
will get photo soon. betta still healthy otherwise and active. read somewhere about noesulfex as antibiotic cure for finrot - do we have this in nz? betta still in breeder trap unfortunately in main aquarium as let him out and he flared at everything that moved! and bit a piece of tail out of a zebra danio! at least i know he is active. don't want to risk putting him back in jebo. maybe it was poor water quality, he was in with two catfish. but i have read somewhere that they don't like draughts, and it is a cold room. anyway, will leave him in this tank for the meantime, and watch fins. how long does the tail take to grow back?
please, some help! what do you reckon?
oh know! i think i have finrot! it's been very cold lately, and the tanks with the fighters are in a draughty part of the house. i think it must be this, as my water quality is normally good. one of the fighter's fins is noticeably shorter and frayed. don't worry, they are not in the same tank! so i've moved one into my big tank with more stable temp in the warmer room, in a breeder trap unfortunately at the moment as have some other fish in there, and am doing melafix, and temp is at 27 degrees celsius. hopefully works! do you think i should add bettafix? will move other fish into tank too, in another breeder trap.
where and what is hollywood?