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Posts posted by HeliumBM

  1. They are almost impossible to get now. Was looking to order one direct from the suppliers but wasn't too keen on how sketch it felt considering it had to be an ebay payment and you had to pay prior to sending delivery instructions.

    So instead ended up getting the AI Prime from living reef for $423.90 (including the notorious tank mount).

    Gonna try it out to begin with and if it ends up being not enough, will upgrade in 6 months time. 

    Everything is ordered to set up the tank, just gotta wait for the deliveries to start rolling in! Still haven't got the actual tank yet :(

    So far Reef tank build is at $1456 total, so it really is true when they say how much more expensive it is compared to freshwater haha definitely feeling the strain on the wallet as a student but hey, should be worth it right?

  2. Hi Everyone,

    Newbie here, have been doing tropical off and on since I was a young child.

    Currently studying at my PhD at Victoria University in Biomedical sciences and decided I'd get into a side project that isn't my research. 

    So this is where I am at, decided to dive in the deep end and start my own reef tank (missus is keen on having a coral feature tank and is excited along with me), I bought a aquaone nano 40 and have read a fair bit already on the actual setting up the aquarium etc.

    See below for what I have bought so far, also planning on getting 1 k.g. of live rock from the Petone store next weekend.

    Basically just looking for any advice from those that have conducted a nano reef tank build before.

    Questions I have so far:

    1. Can anyone recommend a good light? Been contemplating either getting this 

    http://www.fish-street.com/coral_box_bee_led_lighting Coral box Bee


    http://www.micmol.com/aquamini.html Micmol Aqua mini


    2. Haven't done too much research into what corals I would like. Can anyone recommend some that will produce some amazing fluro colours under light?


    3. Anyone have any experience with what protein skimmers I could get that will fit the aquaone 40 that will be decent? I've got a cheap Resun one to do for now but am contemplating getting a kent nano skimmer. I was hoping to get a Tunze Nano 9002 DOC Protein Skimmer but it appears nowhere sells them anymore.

    4. Any tips, advice or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks guys :)


    Reef build.jpg

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