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Posts posted by shiuh

  1. penguinleo its just the same reason why we dont get a lot of things in NZ. for them [DOC/MAF] if its not already in the country then lets not have them at all as its one thing less to worry about.

    alextret u must be talking about Prawn park in Taupo. i recommended that place its great fun even if u dont like eating prawns/shrimps.

    oh yea...i know that place....its great seen how they raised prawn in the farm. wish they let me buy a live one though

  2. definitely check out organism if you are into plants. good selection of fish and plants. the staff are very experience with sound knowledge of aquaria keep. and most of all very friendly and helpful customer service!!

  3. yea....you do need an overflow...thats what i had...a glass sump with bio media. ....I also had a bin as a sump, and a media filled container on top of the bin like you said. works out cheap this way.

    you are right about chances of water draining from sump on the floor if your pumps fails or overflow outlet fails...but i rarely have this happen. :)only once though...as i have poured too much water into the sump..but i am quick enough to recover it.

  4. Hutt Pets in Lower Hutt has a tank with Otto's inside at present, also lots of flying fox, but no SAE (but can be ordered).

    are you sure they are flying fox not SAE? they are labeled as flying fox i know...but looks to me they are SAE because they are not that colourful and their stripe runs from nose to tail. also there are no black stripe on their dorsal fin. o

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