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Jorj X McKie

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Posts posted by Jorj X McKie

  1. Hi Caryl, yes I used to keep fishes in France, since I was 10, the hobby is huge over there and you are not really limited in terms of choice.

    The prices are also way cheaper (divide by 2 or three for a fish tank).

    Every garden center would have at least 50 different tanks with a wide variety of fish from your typical gold fish to the rarest you'd always dreamed of, yes no ministry of primary industry to restrain importation.

    brands like Juwel are very comon and cheap as they are made in Germany (as long as you don't need parts lol)

    there is also a big community of aquarium builder, DYI is much appreciated with big fish keepers and breeders. 

  2. Hi there,

    I would like to start a bit of indoor aquaponics with my fish tank and I know a few fish keepers around new Zealand are really enthusiastic about it.

    My problem is I am looking for a pothos plant and I can't find any in the different shop I've tried (Warehouse, garden centers around the country, Bunnings or Mitre 10,...)

    Is anyone of you would know where I can get some from or if you are the lucky owner of one of those be kind enough to spare a vine or two?

    Thank you very much.

  3. Hi there,

    I am new on the forum

    I own a 220 l mixed Afro/American cichlids tank a brought with me from France 8 years ago and a 80 l community tank for my son (guppies, neon and britlenose).

    I currently leave in Palmerston North and will enjoy reading and posting on this forum

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