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Peter McLeod

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Posts posted by Peter McLeod

  1. I have tried whiteworms with my guppies and they don't agree with my guppies so I stopped feeding them whiteworms.

    Has anyone got any idea's on why earthworms don't give me any problems.So closely related but have a different effect.Even females that were not giving birth or not having many fry are getting so fat now it's not funny.I had a young female three and a half months old from my H/B red strain give birth to at least 40 young yesterday.

  2. I use a sharp single edge razor blade.I chop the worms up roughly then put the bits into some fresh water.The slime forms ito clump once they are added to the water.I then put them into an old fish net and rince them under a hose.Then back onto my chopping board for more chopping.I rince them again in a brineshrimp net and the bits are small enough for the guppies to eat.

  3. I have had this every so often in my guppy tanks.I have read that higher nitrogen in the water can cause more of the male hormones in the females.I have noted on a few occasions females from my H/B yellow line previously having given birth and stop dropping fry and develope characteristics of a male including becomming more brightly coloured and darkening of the H/B marking in the mid body, slimming and their anal fin turning into a gopodium.I don't know if they would ever be abble to sire offspring but sex change does happen.

    The little spotties kids catch near and around a warf are a classic case of what fins is talking about.If the male of a patch dies the largest female starts to pick on the other females in the bunch.Over time the female that is not stressed and is doing the picking turnes into a male and will sire any offspring the other females have.It is beleived that stress keeps females female and a lack of stress lets the fish become more dominant and let the male hormones come out in the fish.

  4. This was a study done quite some time ago with using different food to get guppies to produce more fry.Beef heart and earthworms were also found to increase the guppies lifespan up to 50%.

    I have never had much success with whiteworms with my guppies.I have been using earthworms every other day with my guppies and I am very happy with the results.Very strange to see the position of the witeworms on the list considering they are related to earthworms.


    1: Earthworms, chopped 178 87 91

    2: Earthworms, chopped frozen 164 81 83

    3: Beef heart 143 64 79

    4: Tubifex 141 61 80

    5: Brine Shrimp, Hatched 101 48 53

    6: Gordon’s Formula (Liver) 79 39 40

    7: Brine Shrimp, Adult Frozen 76 37 39

    8: Dry Food, flake & regular 52 24 28

    9: Freeze-dry (brine shrimp & tubifex) 40 23 17

    10: Leaf lettuce 37 21 17

    11: Peas 28 19 9

    12: Farina 18 9 9

    13: White worms 16 7 9

    14: Oat Meal 12 5 7

    15: Bran 9 5 4

    16: Bread 6 5 1

  5. I have found Angels very easy once you establish a pair.They don't seem to be as fussy over a mate like Discus.

    All I can say is what works for me.

    Bare bottom tank

    Good food (I have found earthworms awesom).

    A small length of that marley downpipe for easy removal of the eggs.

  6. Very nice looking Guppy.

    I have been trying to produce a male non H/B like yours for a while by using different crosses with my H/B reds and fish from my Snakeskin line that are occasionally born without the snake patern, but because in my strains the H/B is dominant in both sexes it has been very tank consuming.

  7. The first one is grass snakeskin maybe?

    Came out of my red snakeskins and I almost tossed it when I saw unlike the red snakeskins the snakeskin patern goes right through the body and into the caudal.I have mated him with 4 of his sisters and have his daughters from them (2nd) almost about to drop.Not many males came out looking like him in the first drop.Should have better luck with his daughters.

    The last photo is a H/B yellow.Very consistant strain, but the males are smaller than my other strains and the yellow is much better when they are young and their tails are smaller.I also have gold bodies as well from this line which show the yellow much better.The other night I noticed a spade tail in the last drop.Might be interesting if someone wants to try and fix it.

  8. Yep

    The two gold body lines Blue and red are showing some good prommise.Not that old in linebred terms and both types occasionally produce colour from the other strain.Some drops have more than others.

    Hardly any of the fry come out small tailed, gold body being recessive means they are a bit easier to work with.I have also found they don't produce many fry with any black in the tail.Very clean.

    How are they doing?.

  9. It's really not that hard.Just takes time and tankspace.

    The more you get into it the more the Guppy bug will get you.

    I thought converting my Guarage would be enough.

    As soon as I got in there I started up more lines from crosses e.t.c. to see what would happen with them in a year or two.I have not filled up the whole room with tanks yet but may have to think about extending the room at some stage.

  10. They are fish I origionally got from Kelly Rennel who got them from Cees.

    Basically a line bred strain when I go them.All I have been doing is noticing small differences occasionally and using that male over one of his sisters to make a new strain.At the moment I have 6 strains developed from this one strain reds,blues,greens,and a very dark almost blak H/B blue.

    The first picture is a gold body blue male.

    Second is a grey body.

    I also have the same in reds that came from the same origional line.

    The grey body line still needs alot of work in the dorsal.It does not flow into the caudal the same as the gold body.

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