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Peter McLeod

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Posts posted by Peter McLeod

  1. No photos. Could get some.

    Basically just a small 1.5 X 2.1 metre garden shed I have insulated with polystyrene and non-treeted plywood for the walls and then painted with oil based paint.

    Very easy to do. Small 500 watt heater with a thermistat is more than enough. Had tested it last winter and the power bill seemed to be cheaper than having 4 tanks with 100w heaters in them. The idea was that it would be outside and would need to be waterproof, but if you wanted to separate a portion of your normal garage It could be done even cheaper. Polystyrene sheets are cheap and fence rails are cheap and good for framing. The non-treated plywood is also cheap but you can always ask your local building supliers for packing sheets that they will either give you or just charge a small donation for their social funds. Also ask them about the pallets they throw away or give to people for fire wood. They are usually non-treated

    andeasy to pull apart and use for shelving and framing.

    You can also check out Recyclers e.t.c. for stuff. I do things as cheaply as posible, no shame in being tight when your already on a tight budget.

  2. Cheers for the offer sunrise001

    Have found a few fish I can use for the time being.

    Very nice H/B Pastel Guppy Avatar

    One of my personal favourite guppy strains

    The closest I have come to owning a strain like that are H/B yellows

    If you ever see any available let me know

  3. My angel fish bred every 10 days. Most of the time they looked after them at least to start with like discus. I realised the sooner I got the eggs out the sooner they would lay more. I used a small length of pvc downpipe on a slight angle. Once the female had laid the eggs I removed the pipe and placed in a fresh one. I then put the eggs on the pipe into their own tank with a airstone at the base on a gentle setting to get water (Oxygen) flowing over the eggs. Worked fine most of the time.

  4. Does anyone have some reasonable guppies they are willing to sell. Need to start using the fishroom I have built. Don't have to be perfect just workable. Am also interested in helping people build and get fishrooms working. Just for something to do, have had too much spare time available lately and am keen to meet some of you.

  5. Green water is good for reducing stress in guppies. I always let a couple of tanks nearer the window in my fishroom go green, prety much so you could only see the fish an inch or so into the tank. Just don't over stock the tank or during the night the algae will take in more oxygen than they are putting out and sufocate your fish.

  6. http://www.jehmco.com/html/nets___breeder_boxes.html

    Go down the list and look at the piture wintow traps. Cees gave me some a few years ago, and they do work very well. At the moment I'm using 2litre lemonade bottles with lots of 1.5mm holes drilled in them with some wire bent into a hook over the side of the tank to hold them. Takes time, and don't look that great, but dosn't cost anything and they work.

    Albino's suffer from infertility worse than the grey body types when inbred for too long.

  7. Looks like you have the right fish to continue with. Blues and reds cross together very well, and faily easy to separate the colours over a few generations, and would make a very good sister strain to outcross to if separated by a few generations. Would be a shame for you to give them up.

  8. Been out of breeding so long I don't really know any breeders. When I was breeding I basically had to start from scratch. I got one fairly established blue strain from Kelly Rennel, the rest of the fish I bred from observing the fish at the petshops, sticking mainly to solid colours and H/B’s, and occasionally I got given some nice males from people who knew what I was into, and used them over an established strain to start a new one. You don’t need to know a lot about genetics. It is helpful to know the dominant and recessive genes of the fish you are breeding but the most important thing is to have a lot of patience, and tankspace. There seems to be a lot more people breeding now. Might be a good idea to see if you can get some starting stock off them.

  9. Can you have a look at their gills and see if there is any unusual redening or red splotches anywhere. If it is chemical or nitrate the dammage could have been done a while ago and now the evidence could be gone.

    I never worried too much about the water Chemistry for my guppies as long as it was in the green area, sort of in between acid and alkaline 6.8-7.2.

    7.4-7.6 would seem to me to me to be a bit high. The guppies should be able to handle it, but the higher ph does make nitrates more of a problem.

  10. Is your water supply treated with anything, eg chlorine or chloromine. Chlorine will evapourate but it is my understanding cloromine dosn't.

    Does your water have any disolved minerals,desolved metals like coper. Your local water supplier should be able to tell you the exact chemistry without you having to do it. It can change at different times. Ph can be high then low. The city I lived in before I shifted to Wellington was bad for that for that.

    Was the water you added the same or as close to temperature as the tank water.

    If nothing else is working I found putting green water in a tank with stressed fish seemed to help.

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