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    Illinois, United States
  • About You
    Fish tanks, Plants, bearded dragon

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  1. KMattingly


    My amazon swords do the same leaf growth,they grow well except for the ocational decaying of the leafs. I'm guessing that it's old age and the plant decides that it's time to let that leaf go? I don't know. As for the overall tank health, I have great numbers and very low fish death, plant death. You are right all that matters is it works. Thanks Warren!!
  2. KMattingly


    Pearling is what the other forums call the effect of o2 expelling from the leafs of the plants. That was a good guess!! My lighting is low on watts for a 75, around 70 below the 2 watt per gallon solution. My lights are around 2 months old and are, 1, 48 inch 40 watt coralife bulb, at 10,000 k. 2, 24 inch, spectra max, 20 watt bulbs. All 3 are full spectrum. Most of the plants that i have are the crypt varity and I believe they are a moderate light plant. I also have 3 swords, but they are always green and it does not matter to me if they produce pearls, o2. I have been running the diy mix for 3 days now with no pearls, but i would say that they grew at least 1/4 inch in them 3 days. Although i am in need for a water change. Then do ya think that if i ran with a slow bubble count that with my low lights I may be able to see the pearls. I have seen them one time after I first discovered the diy mix method. The first 4 hours were a don't leave the tank moment. It was like watching a good movie in a theater. After that i have never seen the effect again, after 3 years of messing around with different set ups,SO
  3. KMattingly


    I have been all around different forums and i asked many questions about a diy mix and how much co2 should be added to a tank. It's a 75 g and most replys have been that only one bottle of mix will not be enough to creat the effect of pearling.They say that I should run 2 bottles of mix to see any effect. Ok, my question is, could i run 1 bottle and have more than 1 bubble per second, say 2, nearly 3 per second, and still be able to have the pearls take off. The bubbles are being chopped up thru a canister filter.
  4. Try Melafix, it's almost a cureall
  5. KMattingly


    I don't know where to get those but they are cool!!!!! What is MAF website??
  6. It's also safe for aqua plants. Melafix and salt are the only ones that i use in both of my tanks. Sometimes I use accu-clear for cloudy water, but that is rare.
  7. Thanks joey, This NZ Fishroom is great, all you people are nice and helpfull. The fun page question # 8, I think i might have the answer!!!
  8. Thanks pegasus and warren
  9. I'm just wondering if anyone is from the united states. i see thet some members are from NZ. Is this ok to be from different country
  10. My 75 has about 9 outocinclus,1 angle, 4 high fin skirt tetra, 4 high fin rosey barbs, 1 paradise fish, 5 cory's, and 1 green severum. plants- 9 java fern, bunch java moss, 8 green wendtii and 10 bronze wendtii, 2 cardnal plants and 4 large amazon sword plants, and floating water sprite. This tank is my main care taker, I love it alot. I live in the u.s.a. in the midwest, illinois, near st.louis missouri. I am surounded by alot of open farmland, no tree's and that is sad. I work for a company that makes car parts, ex. doors headliners, seat frames, package tray's. it's a good place to work. I currently make door panels for ford, the excape s.u.v. p.s. i also have 55 tht holds some cichlids, only 4 and they are agressive, WOW.
  11. Hey this is KMattingly, i am a new member to NZF and i look foward to reading all of your comments. Also thank you warren for leading me to this new site from aquarium hobbiest.
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