My 75 has about 9 outocinclus,1 angle, 4 high fin skirt tetra, 4 high fin rosey barbs, 1 paradise fish, 5 cory's, and 1 green severum. plants- 9 java fern, bunch java moss, 8 green wendtii and 10 bronze wendtii, 2 cardnal plants and 4 large amazon sword plants, and floating water sprite. This tank is my main care taker, I love it alot.
I live in the u.s.a. in the midwest, illinois, near st.louis missouri. I am surounded by alot of open farmland, no tree's and that is sad.
I work for a company that makes car parts, ex. doors headliners, seat frames, package tray's. it's a good place to work. I currently make door panels for ford, the excape s.u.v.
p.s. i also have 55 tht holds some cichlids, only 4 and they are agressive, WOW.