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Posts posted by Crooky

  1. From what I've read angeI'm now going  to have a single specie and discus,  particularly in tanks that aren't /massive/,  do not mix well and there can be some sort of disease spread between the two so it's often advised not to keep them together. Better to have one or the other :) also corys like to be with their own species (and each type is a different species) so having at least 6 of say 1-3 different species would be a good idea rather than 1-2 each of 8 species .. Personally I like my battalion of 20 sterbai but variety can also be nice :P 

    i just googled sterbai they do look good in a big group. So im set on having a single species of corys 8-12 maybe bit i can still have other fish in the tank right? Not had corys before


  2.  7 different discus, 15 rumynose tetras, 8 different types of cories, 2 German blue rams. 

    This would be my dream aquarium stock. 

    would all that fit my tank? I have never had discus and I do like them. Can they live with angels ? I guess having one centerpiece species would look better. Thanks

  3. I'm not new to fish but I dnt know what to do with a 1.2 Mtr  (4 foot) 270ltr tank. So fill my tank as if it were yours. what would you do could be cold or tropical fresh water. I may just make your idear happen


  4. I think a lot of the public are blind or just don't know what we have here in new zealand. I stoped eating whitebait once I set up my native tank at home. I have met people that didn't know we had native fish! so I signed the partition in hope that it will raise awareness of at least what we have then how to protect it.

    I hope whitebait farming takes off soon to ease the pressure 

    That's my 2 cents anyway

  5. Good question. I was young and dumb and thought one day I'm gona buy a tank and keep gold fish how hard could it be? Water ,stones a few plants and fish easy right? Wrong! I feel bad now looking back at the poor fish that got stuck with me. The tank went cloudy with in a week or two and when I found out why I was gutted then I started to loose some fish. So I gave remaining fish to a friends pond. Years later and lots of study I set up a tropical tank and cycled it and slowly built up. Now I have natives and a guppy tank soon to be two and still have some empty tanks. Yikes I think I'm hooked!

  6. Hi ya I'm a noob too.

    My Koura go nuts for blood worms and peas and something new I have just tried was getting leaves out of the local stream and freezing them over night to kill any bad bugs ( i hope ) then Chuck em in.

    it's cool to watch them have a munch or carry back with them and stash it for later

  7. Hi ya :wave:

    I'm just wondering how you guys and gals with large tanks collect or treat enough water for your water changes?

    In my old tank it was fine being only 100ltr and tropical I found it easy useing a 20ltr bucket.

    I now have a 270ltr tank with natives so I need more water to change and I have heard that the crays don't like the chlorine treatments. I find it hard to collect 60ltr of rain water so what do you do

    I don't think there is a huge load on the tank as I only have two crays and 3 bullies with live plants.

    any advice would be great thanks

  8. Ok so I have 3 commons and 2 crays in a 270ltr tank. Unfortunately I found white spot on the bullys around 4-5mths ago. I treated this well I thought with salt. When the white spot went I started water changes to lower the salt level. Is it possible that one of my fish thinks that the brackish water means the ocean is near and its time to change? It used to be a nice river bed camo now its nearly black. It's the biggest bully I have and it now hides and darts out at times like its protecting its patch. So is it trying to breed or go to sea?

  9. Hi everyone

    Is anyone keen to meet up and go exploring for new fish to take home?

    I know a few spots for bully, koura and shrimp in and around hamilton

    I would like to find a pair of redfins and some banded kokopu. If you can help that would be sweet

    Only had my native tank 3months an I'm never having tropicals again lol

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