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Posts posted by RnB

  1. this looks like a useless toy.....

    classic of this type of new age must have reefing marketing, here we are arguing over a few % of light... why not just by better reflectors duh

    streams on the other hand do something and i consider them one of the major new things to come along recently......

    that and really good reflectors, and recently very good cost effective skimmers....

  2. stating that using ASW is preferable assumes a pure source of H2O, probably from an RO/DI system......

    if you do not have RO/DI then you are going to be adding more nutrients into your system via ASW then using NSW.....

    if one of the two people who import fish/corals use it, in there business, I can accept its safe.

  3. yes reef puts it up a few times a year, good advertising.......

    see my other thread about true cost of large tanks.........

    there has always been people buying and selling, in the past people like reef and steve could put people in touch with one another but it was never really an auction or public thing, now with trademe everyone knows whats for sale and the true value can be measured and obtained but its also bad news for those wanting too much for their setup...

    when i lived in the uk you could pick up a 5-6 ft tank fully setup with EVERYTHING for 6-700 quid as people left the hobby.....

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