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Posts posted by Angelo

  1. So I just purchased a drop checker from trademe for my planted tank. Just wanted to ask if theres anyone who has a bottle (250ml) or so of spare 4dkh solution? I know I can make my own solution from distilled water+baking soda but the recipe would be too much for my needs. Will be happy to pay for postage.. :D

  2. I've not seen HC here in NZ - let me know if you find some. Other option is Glosso, which is more commonly available. HM is available too, but I've found doesn't carpet well and grows pretty tall.

    I think its not available in NZ, I'm actually new to NZ and starting me planted NanoTank....still looking for other small leaf plants for foreground...:)

  3. I have it at the moment as my fighter boy's tank, from trademe. Great looking tank, but it does have issues with water flow. I find the side furtherest from the filter exhaust gets protein deposits, and the lid doesn't cover the full tank. I've got the lights on a timer, but you have to touch to turn it on.


    Just a heads up, I recently took out the cyperus plants either side, as they were impeding the surface flow too much. I've got the water level under the exhaust, with the outflow pointed up and as curved around to the other side as possible, but it still needs frequent water changes to avoid surface build up.

    Very nice setup you have there....finally got my first nano tank...not the Leo but the hailea E15 of trademe just today....I was suppose to buy the Leotank but wanted a used one.. :D

  4. Sorry for the delay in replying - there is New Pupuke Aquarium Centre in Northcote, Pet Stop shops, Bird Barn, Animates. You also could get a tank made to your requirements.

    thank for this...just went online today....bdway, just got the hailea E15 tank on trademe..is there a Planted Forum in Fnzas? just dont want to post in the wrong thread..:0

  5. I'm not sure you can control the light with a timer either if that's your plan. If it's like the other LEO lights they have a touch switch and not a mechanical off/on.

    thanks for this.....this would be another concern for me...is there a place here that sells nano tanks aside from Hollywoodfish?

  6. I don't 'do' LED lighting however the feedback I have heard on these tanks is that the filter struggles to create water movement due to the length of the tank. If you were wanting to put lots of plants in you would probably have to put a filter on the other end as well to stop dead spots.

    thanks for the reply....i was searching for reviews for this tank but found nothing in the net...adding another filter would work would also destroy the aesthetics of the tank...would you recommend the square nano tanks? I'm also looking at the Fluval Spec V but its a bit high on the price range for me... :)

  7. Hi Guys! sorry for the late reply...was busy with job hunting.

    A further welcome from me. Don't forget, in this climate you need a heater year around, not just for the fish but for yourself! Cheers, Michael[/quote

    thanks for the tip Michael

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