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Everything posted by Aracnabat

  1. Thanks for the info Adrienne. At this stage I'll be lightly stocking (or at least very slowly adding stock) the tank so I'll see how it goes. As for the other points nothing is set in concrete yet but I'll keep it in mind. I have double checked and the hosing is definitely 2 different sizes. The intake (bottom of canister) is a few mm larger than the output (top). That would be good if that is the case.
  2. I have been able to pick up a barely used Eheim 2217 for $20 which I plan on using on a 4 foot tank. Will this be enough for a 230'ish litre tank. I know on paper it is rated for up to 600 litres but I'm not sure if this is the case in reality. Also it is currently missing everything from the quick connect taps onwards. So no intake or outlet fittings at all. I have priced up Eheim replacement parts and unfortunately I can't afford the second mortgage I'll need to pay for them. I'm also not a huge fan or the green pipes etc. I was thinking of getting some Aquaone parts and using those. Google has failed me and I'm not sure which model(s) of Aquaone filters I should be looking at parts for. Does anyone have any recommendations? The intake size of the 2217 is 16/22mm and the output is 12/16mm Cheers
  3. Hi All, I have been lurking around here for awhile so I thought I better introduce myself. I am pretty new to to fish keeping (technically I haven't actually started) unless you count my previous attempts at keeping/torturing goldfish as a child. Looking back on my previous attempts I'm surprised anything survived for more than a week. I'm currently in the process (and have been for about 18 months) of setting up a 4 foot community tank. I hope have it up and cycling within the next month or so (time and $$ allowing). Looking forward to finally getting it set up and getting my hands wet. Cheers Aracnabat (AKA Gareth)
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